 Machine Learning and Robot Perception (Studies in Computational Intelligence)This book presents some of the most recent research results in the area of machine learning and robot perception. The book contains eight chapters.
Relevant progress has been done, within the Robotics field, in mechanical systems, actuators, control and planning. This fact, allows a wide application of industrial robots, where... |  |  Expert One-on-One OracleTom Kyte is of a rare breed. To begin, he's technically expert in his subject (administration of and development of applications for Oracle database management systems). What's more (and what distinguishes him from the ranks of the super-competent), he is both able and willing to share his considerable store of wisdom with Oracle users via... |  |  Absolute Beginner's Guide to Building RobotsFinally, a robots book for people who don't know the first thing about robotics! Absolute Beginner's Guide to Robots is well-written, inviting, and action-packed, with engaging ideas and fascinating factoids about robots and robot-related arts and sciences. You are led gently into the... |
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Democracy has long been considered an ideal state of governance.
What if it’s not? Perhaps it is not the end goal but, rather, the
transition stage to something better. We have lent our cheer and
support and sacrificed lives for revolutions meant to place democracy
where it does not exist. But change is gradual. Revolutions... |  |  The Non-Timing Trading System
The Non-Timing Trading System is a conservative process for investing
in the stock market. This book is perfect for the investors that are
dissatisfied with low interest rates and want high returns on their
investment without high risk. The book will teach you a low-risk
strategy that will give you consistent average yearly... |
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