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Echocardiography, Sixth Edition
Echocardiography, Sixth Edition

The thoroughly revised Sixth Edition of Feigenbaum's Echocardiography reflects recent changes in the technology and clinical use of echocardiography. Included are detailed discussions of tissue Doppler imaging, harmonic imaging and its impact on tissue and contrast visualization, new applications of myocardial perfusion...

Manual of Outpatient Gynecology
Manual of Outpatient Gynecology
Manual of Outpatient Gynecology, Fourth Edition, is a practical text designed to aid in the treatment of outpatient gynecologic problems. It is meant to emphasize office diagnosis and treatment for the most frequently encountered problems and various sensitive subjects encountered in office...
Reese and Betts' A Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases (Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases (Betts))
Reese and Betts' A Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases (Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases (Betts))
Now in its thoroughly revised, updated Fifth Edition, this handbook is a practical, easily accessible, and authoritative guide to the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Leading experts present realistic clinical approaches to infectious disease problems seen in hospital and outpatient settings and offer up-to-the-minute advice on...
Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases

The Third Edition of this definitive reference provides comprehensive guidelines on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of every infectious disease seen in current clinical practice. More than 300 world-class practitioners detail the full range of clinical infections, microbial agents, viruses, mycobacteria, fungi, and parasites...

Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook (Spiral Manual)
Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook (Spiral Manual)

The premier text on substance abuse and addictive behaviors is now in its updated and expanded Fourth Edition, with up-to-the-minute insights from more than 150 experts at the front lines of patient management and research. This edition features expanded coverage of the neurobiology of abused substances, new pharmacologic therapies...

Pediatric Nephrology (Avner, Pediatric Nephrology)
Pediatric Nephrology (Avner, Pediatric Nephrology)
Pediatric Nephrology is the premier comprehensive reference on congenital and acquired kidney diseases and their therapies in children. Section One opens with an overview of the anatomy, physiology, and biology of the pediatric kidney, critical to understanding disease. Section Two covers the evaluation, diagnosis, and therapy of...
Clinical Use of Pediatric Diagnostic Tests
Clinical Use of Pediatric Diagnostic Tests

This book has been designed to help the practicing clinician to appropriately select and interpret diagnostic tests without the burden of information useful only to the pathologist or laboratory. In outline format with tables and charts, the book presents a large volume of information that can be quickly reviewed. The focus is on...

Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Fifth Edition
Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Fifth Edition

Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Fifth Edition provides first-year medical and allied health students with the clinically oriented anatomical information that they need in study and practice. This book is renowned for its comprehensive coverage of anatomy, presented as it relates to the practice of medicine, dentistry, and...

The Core Curriculum: Cardiopulmonary Imaging (The Core Curriculum Series)
The Core Curriculum: Cardiopulmonary Imaging (The Core Curriculum Series)
Introducing a brand-new volume of The Core Curriculum--a series of textbooks that are indispensable as both guides for radiology residents' rotations and study tools for written boards or recertification exams. Each volume of The Core Curriculum examines one key area--such as ultrasound, neuroradiology, musculoskeletal...
Interpretation of Pulmonary Functions Tests: A Practical Guide
Interpretation of Pulmonary Functions Tests: A Practical Guide
The first edition of Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests was well received and met our goal of appealing to a wide, varied audience of health professionals. In the second edition, we added a section to expand our discussion of lung mechanics. We emphasize the mechanical impairments faced...
Lever's Histopathology of the Skin
Lever's Histopathology of the Skin
Established for 55 years as the preeminent dermatopathology text, Lever's Histopathology of the Skin is now in its Ninth Edition--thoroughly updated and now illustrated entirely in full color. With contributions from over 50 recognized experts, comprehensive coverage of the histopathologic diagnosis of skin diseases, and up-to-the-minute...
Perioperative Transfusion Medicine
Perioperative Transfusion Medicine
Thoroughly updated for its Second Edition, this volume is the most comprehensive, current reference on perioperative transfusion medicine and coagulation. It provides complete information on all current blood products and transfusion risks, transfusion and coagulation issues during the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods, and...
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