Special Edition Using Perl 5 for Web ProgrammingBack in 1986, a UNIX programmer by the name of Larry Wall found himself working on a task that involved generating reports from a great many text files, with cross-references. Because he was a UNIX programmer, and because the problem involved manipulating the contents of text files, he started to use awk for the task. But it soon became clear that... | | Perl 5 by Example
With thousands of sites popping up on the Internet each week, this is the perfect time to stock up on beginning-level books for Internet programming! Readers will learn how to handle CGI and Internet programming!... | | Perl 5 Quick Reference (Quick Reference Series)This book is a reference guide for the programming language called Perl. This book does not describe how to install Perl on your computer; if you do not already have Perl installed, this book will not be very useful!
Perl has many uses, especially in UNIX system administrative tasks, which is where Perl was born and grew up. The name... |
Working With Active Server PagesOne sure sign of the significance of Active Server Pages is that it is often confused with Internet Information Server 3.0. That is, many people think that they are synonymous. In reality, ASP is a single ISAPI filter that has been added to IIS 3.0. In almost everyone's mind, however, ASP has evidently supplanted the Microsoft Web server.
... | | The Complete Idiot's Guide to JavascriptWhile it's doesn't cover JavaScript 1.1 as deeply as some other books, The Complete Idiot's Guide to JavaScript, Second Edition, offers a quick, to-the-point introduction to the subject. By the time you finish working through the explanatory text and examples, you'll know enough about JavaScript to create simple or moderately... | | JFC UnleashedThis programmer's tutorial helps the reader understand how to build client & server applications utilizing all the features of the new Java Foundation Classes - Extensive use of code samples demonstrate how to put each feature to use - Spe -Control the look & feel of Java applications using Suns Java Foundation Classes, the new standard... |
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