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Handbook for Research in Cooperative Education and internships
Handbook for Research in Cooperative Education and internships
Finally, a research handbook focused on the field of experiential education!....The handbook is a great starting place for anyone in the field of work-based learning. It can provide a good orientation to what we already know about this kind of experiential learning, can raise questions about what we have not yet considered, and provides...
Electronic Collaboration in the Humanities: Issues and Options
Electronic Collaboration in the Humanities: Issues and Options
This volume provides an informed view of how information technology is shaping the contemporary humanities. It specifically reflects five ideals:

*humanities scholars with all levels of access are doing important work with technology;
*humanities scholars' projects with technology reflect significant diversity, both across and
Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era
Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era
In the mid 1960s, when a single chip contained an average of 50 transistors,
Gordon Moore observed that integrated circuits were doubling in complexity
every year. In an influential article published by Electronics Magazine in 1965,
Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the next 10 years. Despite
being criticized
Handbook of Visual Communication : Theory, Methods, and Media (LEA's Communication Series)
Handbook of Visual Communication : Theory, Methods, and Media (LEA's Communication Series)
This Handbook of Visual Communication explores the key theoretical areas in visual communication, and presents the research methods utilized in exploring how people see and how visual communication occurs. With chapters contributed by many of the best-known and respected scholars in visual communication, this volume brings together...
Persuasive Imagery: A Consumer Response Perspective (Advertising and Consumer Psychology Series )
Persuasive Imagery: A Consumer Response Perspective (Advertising and Consumer Psychology Series )
From Bill Moyers to Marshall McLuhan to Raymond Williams, cultural observers of the late 20th century have charged the images of consumer culture with profound effects on life and consciousness. In tones of utter certainty, critics like these have warned of the deleterious effects persuasive commercial imagery has on the human mind, the collective...
Human Factors and Web Development, Second Edition
Human Factors and Web Development, Second Edition
When Chris Forsythe, Eric Grose and I co-edited the first edition of Human Factors and Web Development, our intent was to compile the definitive "seminal" research on the impact of the World Wide Web (WWW) development in the fields of cognitive psychology, engineering, user interface design, and educational technology.

In 1996,
Handbook of Language and Social Interaction (LEA's Communication Series)
Handbook of Language and Social Interaction (LEA's Communication Series)
Language and Social Interaction is an interdisciplinary approach to studying the everyday
practices and details that make up the complexities and multifunctionality of human
communication. This area has reached a level of maturity that calls for a handbook specific
to its concerns. That maturity is noticeable in a distinctive body of
Media Diversity: Economics, Ownership, and the FCC (LEA's Communication Series)
Media Diversity: Economics, Ownership, and the FCC (LEA's Communication Series)
Media Diversity: Economics, Ownership, and the FCC provides a detailed analysis of the regulation of diversity and its impact on the structure and practices within the broadcast television industry. As deregulation is quickly changing the media landscape, this volume puts the changing structure of the industry into perspective through the use of an...
Mathematics Content for Elementary Teachers
Mathematics Content for Elementary Teachers
What is mathematics? You are probably wondering just what sort of question that
is for someone who has completed the general education mathematics prerequisites.
It is an important question because  your own opinions and attitudes will influence
your teaching of mathematics for your entire career.
Mixed Media: Moral Distinctions in Advertising, Public Relations, and Journalism
Mixed Media: Moral Distinctions in Advertising, Public Relations, and Journalism
Media professionals spend a great deal of time talking about "doing the right thing". Why is it then that the consumers of mass media perennially find so much fault with the "ethics" of the disseminators of news, information, and entertainment? What has led the purveyors of mass communication to believe and act the way they do?...
Perspectives on Classifier Constructions in Sign Languages
Perspectives on Classifier Constructions in Sign Languages
Classifier constructions are universal to sign languages and exhibit unique properties that arise from the nature of the visual-gestural modality. The major goals are to bring to light critical issues related to the study of classifier constructions and to present state-of-the-art linguistic and psycholinguistic analyses of these constructions. It...
Pain: Psychological Perspectives
Pain: Psychological Perspectives
This volume offers a state-of-the-art, comprehensive account of the psychology
of pain that encompasses clinical perspectives but also basic social and
behavioral science as well as biopsychological contributions to the field.
The relatively recent focus on pain as a subjective experience has led to
dramatic improvements in our
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