 |  |  |  |  Human Factors and Web Development, Second EditionWhen Chris Forsythe, Eric Grose and I co-edited the first edition of Human Factors and Web Development, our intent was to compile the definitive "seminal" research on the impact of the World Wide Web (WWW) development in the fields of cognitive psychology, engineering, user interface design, and educational technology.
In 1996,... |
 Handbook of Language and Social Interaction (LEA's Communication Series)Language and Social Interaction is an interdisciplinary approach to studying the everyday practices and details that make up the complexities and multifunctionality of human communication. This area has reached a level of maturity that calls for a handbook specific to its concerns. That maturity is noticeable in a distinctive body of... |  |  Media Diversity: Economics, Ownership, and the FCC (LEA's Communication Series)Media Diversity: Economics, Ownership, and the FCC provides a detailed analysis of the regulation of diversity and its impact on the structure and practices within the broadcast television industry. As deregulation is quickly changing the media landscape, this volume puts the changing structure of the industry into perspective through the use of an... |  |  Mathematics Content for Elementary TeachersWhat is mathematics? You are probably wondering just what sort of question that is for someone who has completed the general education mathematics prerequisites. It is an important question because your own opinions and attitudes will influence your teaching of mathematics for your entire career. ... |
 |  |  Perspectives on Classifier Constructions in Sign LanguagesClassifier constructions are universal to sign languages and exhibit unique properties that arise from the nature of the visual-gestural modality. The major goals are to bring to light critical issues related to the study of classifier constructions and to present state-of-the-art linguistic and psycholinguistic analyses of these constructions. It... |  |  Pain: Psychological PerspectivesThis volume offers a state-of-the-art, comprehensive account of the psychology of pain that encompasses clinical perspectives but also basic social and behavioral science as well as biopsychological contributions to the field. The relatively recent focus on pain as a subjective experience has led to dramatic improvements in our... |
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