Advances of DNA Computing in Cryptography
This book discusses the current technologies of cryptography using DNA computing. Various chapters of the book will discuss the basic concepts of cryptography, steganography, basic concepts of DNA and DNA computing, approaches of DNA computing in cryptography, security attacks, practical implementaion of DNA computing, applications of DNA... |  |  Indirect Searches for New Physics
This is the first book to discuss the search for new physics in charged leptons, neutrons, and quarks in one coherent volume. The area of indirect searches for new physics is highly topical; though no new physics particles have yet been observed directly at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the methods described in this book will... |  |  The BASICS Lean Implementation Model
In 2004 Charlie Protzman created The BASICS Lean Implementation Model, which covers the full spectrum of what is needed to be effective and successful at implementing a Lean System. The reader is taken through a step by step approach developed over the last 15 years, in the use and understanding of Lean tools, principles, and... |