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The Communications Facility Design Handbook (Electronics Handbook Series)
The Communications Facility Design Handbook (Electronics Handbook Series)
The responsibilities of the system engineer are many and varied, especially as they relate to facility design and construction. Successful execution of these responsibilities requires an understanding of the underlying technologies, the applicable quality standards, and the proper methods for achieving them. The Communications Facility Design...
Lactoferrin:  Natural - Multifunctional - Antimicrobial
Lactoferrin: Natural - Multifunctional - Antimicrobial

Illnesses resulting from foodborne pathogens occur at least 6 million times each year and cause an estimated 9,000 deaths. For decades, food microbiologists have developed various effective methods of food protection. However, the constant development of multi-facet food processing technologies and the emergence of potent foodborne pathogens,...

Forensic Engineering Investigation
Forensic Engineering Investigation
Forensic engineering is the application of engineering principles, knowledge,
skills, and methodologies to answer questions of fact that may have legal
ramifications. Forensic engineers typically are called upon to analyze car
accidents, building collapses, fires, explosions, industrial accidents, and various
The Circuits and Filters Handbook, Second Edition (Five Volume Slipcase Set) (Electrical Engineering Handbook)
The Circuits and Filters Handbook, Second Edition (Five Volume Slipcase Set) (Electrical Engineering Handbook)

A bestseller in its first edition, The Circuits and Filters Handbook has been thoroughly updated to provide the most current, most comprehensive information available in both the classical and emerging fields of circuits and filters, both analog and digital. This edition contains 29 new chapters, with significant additions in the areas of...

Nano- and Micro-Electromechanical Systems: Fundamentals of Nano- and Microengineering
Nano- and Micro-Electromechanical Systems: Fundamentals of Nano- and Microengineering
Sergey Edward Lyshevski obviously has a lot of experience to draw on for this book... While the book focuses on sensor, motor, and control applications, the author also tries to be comprehensive in all aspects of MEMS operation... Dr. Lyshevski's book is an intriguing and fun tour of NEMS and MEMS.
-IEEE Microwave Magazine, December 2001
Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations)
Practical Drug Enforcement, Second Edition (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations)
Police work deals with human nature, which is always changing and, therefore, constantly poses new challenges for the law enforcement officer. The skills learned in basic police training are just that — basic. Officers must seek continual training to keep up with their criminal counterparts.

The investigation of crimes such as
Methods in Cellular Immunology, Second Edition
Methods in Cellular Immunology, Second Edition

A step-by-step guide to commonly used procedures, Methods in Cellular Immunology addresses both human and murine models, in addition to such topics as PCR and apoptosis. The basic format of the original version has been maintained, and the goal remains the same: to make it a useful and easy-to-use tool for investigators employing cellular...

Advances in Fingerprint Technology, Second Edition (Forensic and Police Science Series)
Advances in Fingerprint Technology, Second Edition (Forensic and Police Science Series)
Fingerprints constitute one of the most important categories of physical evidence, and it is among the few that can be truly individualized. During the last two decades, many new and exciting developments have taken place in the field of fingerprint science, particularly in the realm of methods for developing latent prints and in the growth of...
Fluid Power Circuits and Controls: Fundamentals and Applications (Mechanical Engineering Series)
Fluid Power Circuits and Controls: Fundamentals and Applications (Mechanical Engineering Series)
Engineers not only need to understand the basics of how fluid power components work, but they must also be able to design these components into systems and analyze or model fluid power systems and circuits. There has long been a need for a comprehensive text on fluid power systems, written from an engineering perspective, which is suitable for an...
Data and Computer Communications: Networking and Internetworking
Data and Computer Communications: Networking and Internetworking
Hura and Singhal discuss all the complex issues involved in networking and provide an excellent resource for practitioners and instruction for students. They offer a comprehensive treatment …
-CHOICE, October 2001, Vol. 39 No. 2

This book covers a vast area of communications technology in 1,140 pages. It is aimed at
Concise Dictionary of Biomedicine and Molecular Biology
Concise Dictionary of Biomedicine and Molecular Biology

Rapid advances in science, medicine, and molecular biology have created a large amount of new information on biomedicine and molecular biology. Keeping up with the latest information can become a cumbersome task for professionals and students working in these fields. Updated to include new terminology and accurate characterizations of...

Calcium Signalling in Cancer
Calcium Signalling in Cancer

Calcium signalling occupies a preeminent position in the signal transduction system of the cell by virtue of its participation in a wide range of physiological functions together with the biological events associated with genetic expression, cell proliferation and apoptosis, as well as cell differentiation and morphogenesis. It is an...

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