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Nutrition and Cancer Prevention (Nutrition and Disease Prevention)
Nutrition and Cancer Prevention (Nutrition and Disease Prevention)

Epidemiological studies have estimated that approximately 35 percent of cancers are potentially avoidable by nutritional modification. These modifications include strategies such as caloric restriction and limitation of specific macro-nutrient groups. However, recent research indicates that what you eat may well be just as important as what...

Handbook of Vitamins, Fourth Edition (CLINICAL NUTRITION IN HEALTH AND DISEASE)
Handbook of Vitamins, Fourth Edition (CLINICAL NUTRITION IN HEALTH AND DISEASE)
...An excellent overview of our understanding of the chemistry and metabolism of all of the known vitamins. Each is discussed in depth and detail by knowledgeable scientists. ...An excellent reference for the personal collection and for libraries. It provides an extraordinary amount of information about all of the vitamins.
- Journal of
Pharmaceutical Project Management, Second Edition (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Pharmaceutical Project Management, Second Edition (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences)
This second edition of Pharmaceutical Project Management is published one decade after the first edition. What has changed over the past decade in drug development? Actually, a lot. The move to outsourcing has intensified and the successful management of relationships between sponsor and contractor is recognized to be a...
AC Power Systems Handbook, Third Edition (Electronic Handbook Series)
AC Power Systems Handbook, Third Edition (Electronic Handbook Series)
Sooner or later, power system protection is going to cost money. How much is entirely up to you. Setting up a safe and effective AC power system from the very beginning can help avoid costly downtime and repairs, provide backup power during system outages, and minimize workplace accidents. For the past 15 years, Jerry Whitaker's AC Power Systems...
Barrier Systems for Environmental Contaminant Containment and Treatment
Barrier Systems for Environmental Contaminant Containment and Treatment

Containment and permeable reactive barriers have come full circle as an acceptable environmental control technology during the past 30 years. As interest shifted back toward containment in the 1990s, the industry found itself relying largely on pre-1980s technology. Fortunately, in the past 10 years important advances have occurred in several...

Head and Neck Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Head and Neck Manifestations of Systemic Disease
In thinking about a contribution we could make to the modern practice of medicine that had not yet been achieved by others, we remembered what constituted the complete physician at the time of Sir William Osler: A working knowledge of multiple disciplines and of disease processes that affect many organ systems. This was perhaps...
Embedded Linux System Design and Development
Embedded Linux System Design and Development

Embedded Linux System Design and Development contains a full development roadmap for embedded Linux systems. It facilitates movement to embedded Linux from traditional real-time operating systems, and describes the system design model containing embedded Linux. This book delivers practical solutions for writing, debugging, and profiling...

Pediatric Endocrinology, Fifth Edition, Volume One: Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin Resistance, and Hypoglycemia
Pediatric Endocrinology, Fifth Edition, Volume One: Obesity, Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin Resistance, and Hypoglycemia
The fifth edition of Pediatric Endocrinology marks the 22nd anniversary of this textbook. This edition has built upon the accumulated experience of the previous versions and every one of the chapters has been thoroughly updated; thereby its content enhances the reputation that Pediatric Endocrinology has enjoyed as...
Gastrointestinal and Colorectal Anesthesia
Gastrointestinal and Colorectal Anesthesia

This resource stands as the only authoritative text to specifically focus on developments and best practices in anesthesiology for procedures affecting the gastrointestinal tract and related appendages. This book provides in-depth coverage of topics such as risk assessment, stress response, and scoring, as well as spans anesthetic trends and...

Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering
Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering

As in many other fields, biomedical engineers benefit from the use of computational intelligence (CI) tools to solve complex and non-linear problems. The benefits could be even greater if there were scientific literature that specifically focused on the biomedical applications of computational intelligence techniques. The first comprehensive...

Phytochemicals: Nutrient-Gene Interactions
Phytochemicals: Nutrient-Gene Interactions

Understanding phytochemical–gene interactions provides the basis for individualized therapies to promote health as well as prevent and treat disease. The authors of Phytochemicals: Nutrient–Gene Interactions examine the interactions between phytochemicals and the human genome and discuss the impact these interactions have...

MIMO System Technology for Wireless Communications (Electrical Engineering and Applied Signal Processing)
MIMO System Technology for Wireless Communications (Electrical Engineering and Applied Signal Processing)
Use of multiple antennas at both ends of wireless links is the result of the natural progression of more than four decades of evolution of adaptive antenna technology. Recent advances have demonstrated that multipleinput-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems can achieve impressive increases in overall system performance. The potential to provide...
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