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Active and Programmable Networks for Adaptive Architectures and Services
Active and Programmable Networks for Adaptive Architectures and Services
New applications such as video conferencing, video on demand, multimedia transcoders, Voice-over-IP (VoIP), intrusion detection, distributed collaboration, and intranet security require advanced functionality from networks beyond simple forwarding congestion control techniques. Examples of advanced functionality include self-reconfiguration,...
Image Analysis: Applications in Materials Engineering (Materials Science & Technology)
Image Analysis: Applications in Materials Engineering (Materials Science & Technology)

Minimizing theoretical background and mathematical formalism, Image Analysis provides basic principles of image acquisition, enhancement, measurements, and interpretation in a very simple form, using an approach toward applications and properties of available tools. The singular study lists different tasks to do and offers complete solutions...

Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications)
Millimeter Wave Technology in Wireless PAN, LAN, and MAN (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications)
Driven by the demand for high-data-rate, millimeter wave technologies with broad bandwidth are being explored in high-speed wireless communications. These technologies include gigabit wireless personal area networks (WPAN), high-speed wireless local area networks (WLAN), and high-speed wireless metropolitan area networks (WMAN). As a result of this...
Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK
Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK
The Official (ISC)² Guide to the CISSP CBK is ideal not only for information security professionals attempting to achieve CISSP certification but also for those who are trying to decide which, if any, certification to pursue. Executives and organizational managers who want a more complete understanding of all the elements that are required in...
Energy Management Handbook, Sixth Edition
Energy Management Handbook, Sixth Edition
When the fi rst introduction to Energy Management Handbook was written in 1982, I was in college, worried more about how to repay student loans than anything else. But this is now.

This book lives to serve its readers. In helping to edit the book, it has been my goal to keep the material fresh, pertinent and useful. My approach has been
Security in Wireless Mesh Networks (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications)
Security in Wireless Mesh Networks (Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications)
Wireless mesh networks (WMN) encompass a new area of technology set to play an important role in the next generation wireless mobile networks. WMN is characterized by dynamic self-organization, self-configuration, and self-healing to enable flexible integration, quick deployment, easy maintenance, low costs, high scalability, and reliable services....
Surgical Wound Healing and Management
Surgical Wound Healing and Management

Wound bed preparation can be defined as the process of removing dead tissue, debris, and contaminants from an injured site to facilitate healing and provide a more expedient means to patient recovery. This reference explores the critical role of surgery in wound bed preparation and management and provides a sound knowledge of wound...

Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes, Second Edition
Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes, Second Edition
Updating and expanding information on concealment techniques, new technologies, hardware, software, and relevant new legislation, this second edition details scope of cyber forensics to reveal and track legal and illegal activity. Designed as an introduction and overview to the field, the authors guide you step-by-step through the basics of...
Electronic Structure Modeling: Connections Between Theory and Software
Electronic Structure Modeling: Connections Between Theory and Software
Computational chemistry, including electronic structure modeling, is a fast and accurate tool for treating large chemically meaningful systems. Unique among current quantum chemistry texts, Electronic Structure Modeling: Connections Between Theory and Software enables nonspecialists to employ computational methods in their...
Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition: Methodologies for Institutional and Corporate Networks
Handbook of IPv4 to IPv6 Transition: Methodologies for Institutional and Corporate Networks
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office recommended that all agencies begin planning a coherent transition to IPv6. IPv6 will solve the problem of limited IP addresses and improve internetworking capabilities. This promising protocol is gaining momentum and it is only a matter of time before the transition will have to occur globally....
Enterprise Architecture A to Z: Frameworks, Business Process Modeling, SOA, and Infrastructure Technology
Enterprise Architecture A to Z: Frameworks, Business Process Modeling, SOA, and Infrastructure Technology
Driven by the need and desire to reduce costs, organizations are faced with a set of decisions that require analytical scrutiny. Enterprise Architecture A to Z: Frameworks, Business Process Modeling, SOA, and Infrastructure Technology examines cost-saving trends in architecture planning, administration, and management....
Cryptography: Theory and Practice (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
Cryptography: Theory and Practice (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

My objective in writing this book was to produce a general, comprehensive textbook that treats all the essential core areas of cryptography. Although many books and monographs on cryptography have been written in recent years, the majority of them tend to address specialized areas of cryptography. On the other hand, many of the existing general...

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