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ADSL Standards, Implementation, and Architecture (Advanced and Emerging Communications Technologies Series)
ADSL Standards, Implementation, and Architecture (Advanced and Emerging Communications Technologies Series)
With its promise of high speed Internet access, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) techniques are now making their way out of the laboratory and into the general consumer market. This creates the need for telecommunications professionals to have not just an awareness of the technology, but an in-depth understanding of its workings, its...
Finite Element Method Using MATLAB (Mechanical Engineering)
Finite Element Method Using MATLAB (Mechanical Engineering)
The finite element method (FEM) has become one of the most important and useful tools for scientists and engineers. This new book features the use of MATLAB to present introductory and advanced finite element theories and formulations. MATLAB is especially convenient to write and understand finite element analysis programs because a MATLAB...
Coastal Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans (Marine Science)
Coastal Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans (Marine Science)

In 1996, after more than a decade of researching the effects of over-population and the consequent pollution of the greater metropolitan New York City area, Carl Sindermann published his observations and conclusions in Ocean Pollution: Effects on Living Resources and Humans, a mostly technical document that emphasized the pathological effects...

The Evolution from Protein Chemistry to Proteomics: Basic Science to Clinical Application
The Evolution from Protein Chemistry to Proteomics: Basic Science to Clinical Application

Largely driven by major improvements in the analytical capability of mass spectrometry, proteomics is being applied to broader areas of experimental biology, ranging from oncology research to plant biology to environmental health. However, while it has already eclipsed solution protein chemistry as a discipline, it is still essentially an...

Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge
Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge
As energy demands continue to surge worldwide, the need for more efficient and environmentally neutral energy production also becomes increasingly apparent. Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: A Global Challenge presents a well-rounded perspective on the development of bio-based feedstocks, biodegradable plastics, hydrogen...
Artificial Neural Networks in Cancer Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Patient Management (Biomedical Engineering)
Artificial Neural Networks in Cancer Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Patient Management (Biomedical Engineering)

The potential value of artificial neural networks (ANN) as a predictor of malignancy has begun to receive increased recognition. Research and case studies can be found scattered throughout a multitude of journals. Artificial Neural Networks in Cancer Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Patient Management brings together the work of top researchers -...

Medical Immunology (Virella, Medical Immunology)
Medical Immunology (Virella, Medical Immunology)

With an abundance of illustrations, diagrams, and algorithms for a reader-friendly review of critical material, this Sixth Edition is fully updated and revised to clearly update and explore current diagnostic and clinical applications of immunology, as well as strategies for the modulation of immune response and the treatment of...

Vitamin Analysis for the Health and Food Sciences, Second Edition
Vitamin Analysis for the Health and Food Sciences, Second Edition

Employing a uniform, easy-to-use format, Vitamin Analysis for the Health and Food Sciences, Second Edition provides the most current information on the methods of vitamin analysis applicable to foods, supplements, and pharmaceuticals. Highlighting the rapid advancement of vitamin assay methodology, this edition emphasizes the use of...


Reflecting the embryonic state of the field, the first edition of Dermatoxicology, published in 1977, numbered 567 pages. Now the foundational reference in dermal toxicology, this seventh edition consists of 1,032 pages and defines what was once a largely intuitive field but has evolved into an established science of metrics and mechanisms....

Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications
Color Image Processing: Methods and Applications
Over the last two decades, we have witnessed an explosive growth in both the diversity of techniques and the range of applications of image processing. However, the area of color image processing is still sporadically covered, despite having become commonplace, with consumers choosing the convenience of color imaging over traditional grayscale...
Food Packaging Technology (Sheffield Packaging Technology)
Food Packaging Technology (Sheffield Packaging Technology)
This is a very useful book addressing a wide range of scientists (professors, researchers, technologists and manufacturers of packaging machinery) involved in the field of packaging. … This book will prove a necessary and potent companion … for [those] in the field … .
- Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,
Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms: Industrial Applications
Fusion of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Genetic Algorithms: Industrial Applications
Artificial neural networks can mimic the biological information-processing mechanism in - a very limited sense. Fuzzy logic provides a basis for representing uncertain and imprecise knowledge and forms a basis for human reasoning. Neural networks display genuine promise in solving problems, but a definitive theoretical basis does not yet exist for...
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