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Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1123-1995
Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1123-1995

Medical Education at St Bartholomew's Hospital traces the evolution of medical education at Barts from its foundation in 1123 to the college's merger with The London and Queen Mary & Westfield College in 1995. Drawing on the hospital's rich archives, it investigates how training was institutionalised and organised at Barts to...

Intranets - a guide to their design, implementation and management
Intranets - a guide to their design, implementation and management
This book may appeal to anyone requiring an overview of the technological and cultural implications of adopting information and knowledge management solutions using Internet technologies.

The book examines the tactical issues addressed at a functional or departmental level and their impact upon the organisation as a whole from a
Handbook of Information Management
Handbook of Information Management
I am very pleased to introduce this new edition of the Handbook. Formerly entitled Handbook of Special Librarianship and Information Work, this represents the eighth edition of what is generally regarded as Aslib’s ‘flagship’ reference work, the seminal text on modern information theories, procedures and practices since 1955....
Free Business and Industry Information on the Web
Free Business and Industry Information on the Web
Provides readers with a listing of some of the most useful business and industry information sources available freely on the Internet

This book aims to provide readers with a listing of some of the most useful free business and industry information sources available on the Internet It does have a UK slant, looking at things both from the
Data Protection
Data Protection
At first sight, Data Protection may not appear to affect the library professional unduly. The 1998 Data Protection Act only applies to information about people. Most of the material held in a typical library will not be covered.

But this first impression would be wrong. Librarians deal with people every day. They hold information about
The Psychology of Food Choice (Frontiers in Nutritional Science)
The Psychology of Food Choice (Frontiers in Nutritional Science)
We all eat foods every day and in Western societies we are confronted with a vast array of different types of foods with different prices, offering different sensory experiences and of varying composition in terms of nutritional components. Although the proportion of income spent on food has declined, food nevertheless remains...
Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology (Biotechnology in Agriculture Series)
Intellectual Property Rights in Agricultural Biotechnology (Biotechnology in Agriculture Series)
The successful application of biotechnology tools has had and is having dramatic effects in some areas of agriculture. These effects are being felt throughout the world in academic, government and industrial communities. The result is the rapid development of a multi-million dollar industry. This work has been going on for more than two decades...
Fasciolosis, a parasitic disease caused by the liver fluke, has a tremendous impact on livestock each year. In addition, an estimated 2.4 million people are infected, and the disease is now recognized as an emerging human disease by the World Health Organization. This volume, the first comprehensive treatment devoted to these parasites and their...
Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development (Biotechnology in Agriculture Series)
Agricultural Biotechnology in International Development (Biotechnology in Agriculture Series)

Obtaining world food security and food self-reliance for the developing nations is a complex and difficult task, but with increased research and education, agricultural production in developing countries can be improved. Biotechnology applications, integrated into traditional systems, hold much promise in this respect. Realizing the positive...

Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility: Concepts and Research Methods
Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility: Concepts and Research Methods
Soil science benefits from the availability of a wide array of practicable
methods. There are a number of very useful compendia in which sets of
these methods are collected together to provide easy reference for the
intending practitioner. The need for yet another handbook might
therefore be questioned. This book, however,
Water Dynamics in Plant Production
Water Dynamics in Plant Production
The source of life is water. Life began in the oceans, which represent the largest stock of water on Earth. Much less water is stored below the land surface in the form of fresh groundwater, amounting to not quite 0.8% of the earth’s total water reserves, while lakes and rivers combined only contribute a further...
Microcomputer Quantum Mechanics
Microcomputer Quantum Mechanics
How sad to learn a language and then to have nothing to say. This is, however, a very common situation in computing. Students learn how to write simple programs, but there is often nothing upon which they can test their new-found skills and no way of building upon their experience by using the computer on real or even realistic problems. Dr...
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