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Machine Learning for Vision-Based Motion Analysis: Theory and Techniques
Machine Learning for Vision-Based Motion Analysis: Theory and Techniques

Techniques of vision-based motion analysis aim to detect, track, identify, and generally understand the behavior of objects in image sequences. With the growth of video data in a wide range of applications from visual surveillance to human-machine interfaces, the ability to automatically analyze and understand object motions from video...

Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
The ultimate, definitive programming language has not been created yet, far from it. Almost every day a new language is created, and new functionalities are added to existing languages. Improvements in programming languages contribute to making programs more reliable, shorten the development time, and make programs easier to...
Visualization of Time-Oriented Data (Human-Computer Interaction Series)
Visualization of Time-Oriented Data (Human-Computer Interaction Series)
Time is an exceptional dimension.We recognize this every day: when we are waiting for a train, time seems to run at a snail’s pace, but the hours we spend in a bar with a good friend pass by so quickly. There are times when one can wait endlessly for something to happen, and there are times when one is overwhelmed by events...
Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks: A Semi-tensor Product Approach
Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks: A Semi-tensor Product Approach

Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks presents a systematic new approach to the investigation of Boolean control networks. The fundamental tool in this approach is a novel matrix product called the semi-tensor product (STP). Using the STP, a logical function can be expressed as a conventional discrete-time linear system. In the light of...

Proofs and Algorithms: An Introduction to Logic and Computability (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Proofs and Algorithms: An Introduction to Logic and Computability (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)

Logic is a branch of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. It studies the required methods to determine whether a statement is true, such as reasoning and computation.

Proofs and Algorithms: Introduction to Logic and Computability is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of contemporary logic - those of a

Human Recognition at a Distance in Video (Advances in Pattern Recognition)
Human Recognition at a Distance in Video (Advances in Pattern Recognition)

Most biometric systems employed for human recognition require physical contact with, or close proximity to, a cooperative subject. Far more challenging is the ability to reliably recognize individuals at a distance, when viewed from an arbitrary angle under real-world environmental conditions. Gait and face data are the two biometrics that...

Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVII
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVII

The papers in this volume are the refereed papers presented at AI-2010, the Thirtieth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, held in Cambridge in December 2010 in both the technical and the application streams. They present new and innovative developments and applications, divided...

Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics
Rotation Transforms for Computer Graphics

Rotation transforms are used everywhere in computer graphics from rotating pictures in editing software, to providing an arbitrary view of a 3D virtual environment. Although the former is a trivial operation, the latter can be a challenging task. 


Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Networks: Emergent Problems, Models, and Issues
Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Networks: Emergent Problems, Models, and Issues

Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Networks introduces problems, models, and issues such as collective periodic motion coordination, collective tracking with a dynamic leader, and containment control with multiple leaders, and explores ideas for their solution. Solving these problems extends the existing application domains of...

Introduction to Software Process Improvement (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
Introduction to Software Process Improvement (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science)
The objective of this book is to give an introduction to the software process improvement field to computer science students. The well-known Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI1) is used as the vehicle for software process improvement as it has become the de facto standard2 for implementing best practice in software...
Automatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and Techniques
Automatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and Techniques

This text reviews the issues involved in handling and processing digital documents. Examining the full range of a document’s lifetime, the book covers acquisition, representation, security, pre-processing, layout analysis, understanding, analysis of single components, information extraction, filing, indexing and retrieval. Features:...

Design Creativity 2010
Design Creativity 2010

What is ‘design creativity’? It is impossible to answer this question without considering why human beings can – and do – ‘design’. Design creativity is instrumental in not only addressing social problems faced across the world,  but also evoking an innate appreciation for beauty and a sense of...

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