Legal Forms for Starting & Running a Small BusinessThe legal documents you need on any given day!
Like most small business owners, you probably can't afford to hire a lawyer to draft the legal documents you need in the course of your day-to-day business.
Now there's an affordable solution -- Legal Forms for Starting & Running a Small Business, which provides you with over 60 legal... | | Charging Ahead: An Itroduction to Electromagnetism (# PB155X)
Energize your next unit on electricity with hands-on activities to explain the fascinating phenomenon of electromagnetism. Students are introduced to the factors that determine the strength of electrical coils, and they use readily available materials to build a simple motor and a generator. Topics covered include circuit breakers, mag-lev... | | Help! I'm Teaching Middle School Science - PB170X
Like your own personal survival guide, Help! I'm Teachig Middle School Science is a nontechnical how-to manual, especially for first-year teachers. But even veteran teachers can benefit from the plentiful ideas, examples, and tips on teaching sicence the way middle-schoolers learn best.
The book covers all the basics:... |
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