Droid Companion
Congratulations on your new Droid smartphone! You’re going to be amazed when you discover all the ways it enables you to connect with your contacts and stay in touch with the world. You can communicate via talk, text, email, social networking, and chatting with instant messaging, and on some newer Droid phones, you may even be able to... | | Professional SQL Server 2012 Internals and Troubleshooting
Hands-on troubleshooting methods on the most recent release of SQL Server The 2012 release of SQL Server is the most significant one since 2005 and introduces an abundance of new features. This critical book provides in-depth coverage of best practices for troubleshooting performance problems based on a solid understanding of both SQL Server... | | Android Application Development Cookbook: 93 Recipes for Building Winning Apps
A must-have collection of ready-to-use Android recipes!
The popularity of Google Android devices is seemingly unstoppable and the Android 4 release offers, for the first time, a single OS solution for building both phone and tablet applications. With that exciting information in mind, veteran author Wei-Meng Lee presents you with... |
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