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Personalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual Viewers
Personalized Digital Television: Targeting Programs to Individual Viewers
This book collects selected research reports on the development of personalized services for Interactive TV. Drawing upon contributions from academia and industry that represent current research in the US, Europe and Asia, these articles represent leading research in personalized television.

TV viewers today are exposed to overwhelming...

Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions : Based on the lectures of Professor V.I. Arnold
Abel's Theorem in Problems and Solutions : Based on the lectures of Professor V.I. Arnold
In high school algebraic equations in one unknown of first and second
degree are studied in detail. One learns that for solving these equations
there exist general formulae expressing their roots in terms of the coefficients
by means of arithmetic operations and of radicals. But very
few students know whether similar formulae do
International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (Hmm Symposium)
International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms (Hmm Symposium)
The HMM2004 International Symposium on History of Machines and Mechanisms is the second event of a series that has been started in 2000 as main activity of the IFToMM Permanent Commission for History of MMS, Mechanism and Machine Science. The aim of the HMM Symposium is to be a forum to exchange views, opinions, and experiences...
Web Content Caching and Distribution
Web Content Caching and Distribution
Web caching and content delivery technologies provide the infrastructure on which systems are built for the scalable distribution of information. This proceedings of the eighth annual workshop, captures a cross-section of the latest issues and techniques of interest to network architects and researchers in large-scale content delivery. Topics...
Web Search: Public Searching of the Web (Information Science and Knowledge Management)
Web Search: Public Searching of the Web (Information Science and Knowledge Management)

Web Search: Public Searching of the Web, co-authored by Drs. Amanda Spink and Bernard J. Jansen, is one of the first manuscripts that address the human - system interaction of Web searching in a thorough and complete manner. The authors provide an examination of Web searching from multiple levels of analysis, from theoretical...

New Developments In Parsing Technology (Text, Speech and Language Techology)
New Developments In Parsing Technology (Text, Speech and Language Techology)
Parsing can be defined as the decomposition of complex structures into their constituent parts, and parsing technology as the methods, the tools and the software to parse automatically. Parsing is a central area of research in the automatic processing of human language. Parsers are being used in many application areas, for example question...
Philosophy's Higher Education
Philosophy's Higher Education
Few will disagree that philosophy is educational, or that at the root of philosophy lies
the struggle to understand ourselves, or, even, that this struggle is formative for us.
The real disagreement begins regarding the nature and import of this learning. In the
following pages I will challenge philosophical experience to recognise
Recent Advances in Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning
Recent Advances in Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning
The International conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning is organised bi-annually by the Eindhoven University of Technology. This volume contains a selection of papers from the seventh conference that was held at De Ruwenberg Castle in Sint-Michiels Gestel, The Netherlands, from 2 to 5 July, 2004....
Computer Aided Engineering Design
Computer Aided Engineering Design
This book amalgamates geometric modelling, analysis and optimization, the three important aspects in Computer Aided Engineering Design. While the three subjects are well developed by themselves, a detailed discussion on engineering visualization (transformations and projections) and mathematical background of free form, parametric and piecewise...
Remote Sensing Image Analysis: Including the Spatial Domain (Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing)
Remote Sensing Image Analysis: Including the Spatial Domain (Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing)
Remote Sensing image analysis is mostly done using only spectral information on a pixel by pixel basis. Information captured in neighbouring cells, or information about patterns surrounding the pixel of interest often provides useful supplementary information. This book presents a wide range of innovative and advanced image processing methods for...
Effects of Space Weather on Technology Infrastructure
Effects of Space Weather on Technology Infrastructure
The highly variable conditions in the Earth-related space environment, including the Sun, the interplanetary medium and the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere system, are collectively known as space weather. In the recent past we have experienced that space weather influences the performance and reliability of space- and ground-based...
Classical and New Paradigms of Computation and their Complexity Hierarchies
Classical and New Paradigms of Computation and their Complexity Hierarchies
The notion of complexity is an important contribution of logic to theoretical computer science and mathematics. This volume attempts to approach complexity in a holistic way, investigating mathematical properties of complexity hierarchies at the same time as discussing algorithms and computational properties. A main focus of the volume is on some...
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