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New Algorithms, Architectures and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing
New Algorithms, Architectures and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing
New Algorithms, Architectures and Applications for Reconfigurable Computing consists of a collection of contributions from the authors of some of the best papers from the Field Programmable Logic conference (FPL’03) and the Design and Test Europe conference (DATE’03). In all, seventy-nine authors, from research teams from all...
OZONE A New Medical Drug
OZONE A New Medical Drug

Oxygen-ozone therapy is a complementary approach less known than homeopathy and acupuncture because it has come of age only three decades ago. This book clarifies that, in the often nebulous field of natural medicine, the biological bases of ozone therapy are totally in line with classic biochemical, physiological and pharmacological...

Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI '2004
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces CADUI '2004
Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces IV gathers the latest research of experts, research teams and leading organisations involved in computer-aided design of user interactive applications supported by software, with specific attention for platform-independent user interfaces and context-sensitive or aware applications. This...
The Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine / Catholic Studies in Bioethics)
The Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics (Philosophy and Medicine / Catholic Studies in Bioethics)
The Edge of Life: Human Dignity and Contemporary Bioethics treats a number of distinct moral questions and finds their answer in the dignity of the person, both as an agent and as a patient (in the sense of the recipient of action). Characteristically one’s view of the human being ultimately shapes one’s outlook on...
Molecular Biology of Human Cancers: An Advanced Student's Textbook
Molecular Biology of Human Cancers: An Advanced Student's Textbook
The present book grew out from a lecture course I have taught for more than 5 years,
often together with colleagues who covered topics and cancers they are more
familiar with than myself. These lectures were mainly attended by biology and
medical students well advanced in their curricula, but also by clinical trainees doing...
LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
LNA-ESD Co-Design for Fully Integrated CMOS Wireless Receivers fits in the quest for complete CMOS integration of wireless receiver front-ends. With a combined discussion of both RF and ESD performance, it tackles one of the final obstacles on the road to CMOS integration. The book is conceived as a design guide for those actively involved in the...
Digital Synthesizers and Transmitters for Software Radio
Digital Synthesizers and Transmitters for Software Radio
The approach adopted in this book will, it is hoped, provide an understanding
of key areas in the field of digital synthesizers and transmitters. It is easy
to include different digital techniques in the digital synthesizers and transmitters
by using digital signal processing methods, because the signal is in
digital form. By
The Welfare of Cats (Animal Welfare)
The Welfare of Cats (Animal Welfare)

This book - the third in a series on Animal Welfare - covers the major issues affecting the welfare of domestic cats.

In Western countries, the cat has become one of the most popular pets, with its traditional role of rodent catcher being replaced by that of companion animal. Nevertheless, many situations remain where the welfare...

Principles and Applications of NanoMEMS Physics (Microsystems)
Principles and Applications of NanoMEMS Physics (Microsystems)
The field of Nanotechnology, which aims at exploiting advances in the fabrication and controlled manipulation of nanoscale objects, is attracting worldwide attention. This attention is predicated upon the fact that obtaining early supremacy in this field of miniaturization may well be the key to dominating the world economy of the 21st century, and...
Fundamentals of Space Medicine (Space Technology Library)
Fundamentals of Space Medicine (Space Technology Library)

This readable text presents findings from the life science experiments conducted during and after space missions. It provides an insight into the space medical community and the real challenges that face the flight surgeon and life science investigator.

The Encyclopedia of World Climatology
The Encyclopedia of World Climatology

A successor to the 1986 Encyclopedia of Climatology, this compendium provides a clear explanation of current knowledge and research directions in modern climatology. This new encyclopedia emphasizes climatological developments that have evolved over the past twenty years. It offers more than 200 informative articles prepared by 150 experts on...

Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)
Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)
What are the concerns of those who investigate spatiality across domains and across media? What is significant in these concerns - particularly for the design and evaluation of technology? How are these concerns represented? Can discourse from one domain inform work in another?

These are some of the questions addressed in this volume. It is...

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