 Secure Semantic Service-Oriented Systems
As the demand for data and information management continues to grow, so does the need to maintain and improve the security of databases, applications, and information systems. In order to effectively protect this data against evolving threats, an up-to-date understanding of the mechanisms for securing semantic Web technologies is... |  |  Micronutrients and Brain Health (Oxidative Stress and Disease)Under the direction of leading experts in oxidative stress, this book addresses cutting-edge areas of research regarding micronutrients and the brain: It discusses identification of brain-specific micronutrients that support function and molecular mechanisms underlying neuroprotectant activity. The book covers age-related metabolic pathways,... |  |  Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Second Edition
Similar to many research and application fields, geography has moved from a datapoor and computation-poor to a data-rich and computation-rich environment. The scope, coverage, and volume of digital geographic datasets are growing rapidly. Public and private sector agencies are creating, processing, and disseminating digital data on land use,... |
 Grid Resource Management: Towards Virtual and Services Compliant Grid ComputingGrid technology offers the potential for providing secure access to remote services, thereby promoting scientific collaborations in an unprecedented scale. Grid Resource Management: Toward Virtual and Services Compliant Grid Computing presents a comprehensive account of the architectural issues of grid technology, such as security,... |  |  Introduction to Grid ComputingA thorough overview of the next generation in computing, this concise guide explores state-of-the-art grid projects, core grid technologies, and applications of the grid. It covers virtual organizations, scheduling algorithms, fault tolerance strategies, grid workflow management systems, and security technologies. The authors present several grid... |  |  Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants
Thirty years after RSA was first publicized, it remains an active research area. Although several good surveys exist, they are either slightly outdated or only focus on one type of attack. Offering an updated look at this field, Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants presents the best known mathematical attacks on RSA and its... |
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