Our manuals facilitate your learning by providing structured interaction with the
software itself. While we provide text to explain difficult concepts, the hands-on
activities are the focus of our courses. By paying close attention as your instructor leads
you through these activities, you will learn the skills and concepts...
Now that digital cameras and music players have become so incredibly widespread, a forest of sound and imagery is blossoming in our homes. We’ve got digital pictures in the camera, scans on the computer, JPEGS attached to e-mails, and tunes on tiny players. But there’s also the old-fashioned stuff: photos in shoeboxes, videos in the...
Filled to the brim with far-out facts, this wickedly informative narrative from the author of National Geographic's popular Gory Details blog takes us on a fascinating journey through an astonishing new reality. Blending humor and journalism in the tradition of Mary Roach, acclaimed science reporter Erika Engelhaupt...
How do you make sense of the accounting report or balance sheet you’ve just been handed? How do these reports help you to understand the company’s performance? How do you use the numbers you have been given to make good business decisions in the short- and long-term?
The field of intellectual property (typically referred to as IP) is one that continues its rapid growth. Just a few years ago, individuals who identifi ed themselves as practitioners in the fi eld of intellectual property were met with blank stares. Now IP professionals are in constant demand, and it is a rare issue of any legal newspaper...
These days, any attempt to write a full-blown encyclopedia or dictionary of computer
terminology would be an exercise in futility. New terms and buzzwords appear every
day, and information technology fi elds overlap with so many other fi elds it can be hard
to determine if a word is IT, telecommunications, or graphics arts, and so on....
Now in its third edition, the best-selling SECURITY+ GUIDE TO NETWORK SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS provides the most up-to-date industry information, reflecting the changes in security that have occurred since the most recent CompTIA Security+ objectives were created. The book covers all of the new CompTIA Security+ 2008 exam objectives and maps to...
This course is the official courseware for the Security Certified Program SC0-451
certification exam. The Tactical Perimeter Defense course is designed to provide
network administrators and certification candidates with hands-on tasks on the
most fundamental perimeter security technologies. The network perimeter is often
the first...
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One of the most enticing aspects of mathematics, we have found, is the interplay of
ideas from seemingly disparate disciplines of the subject. Linear algebra provides
a beautiful illustration of this, in that it is by nature both algebraic and geometric.
In writing this seventh edition of Biochemistry, we
have balanced the desire to present up-to-the minute
advances with the need to make biochemistry as clear
and engaging as possible for the student approaching
the subject for the first time. Instructors and students
have long relied on Biochemistry for:
So why are you reading ihe preface? The book doesn't really gel going for another 10 pages, so why are you here instead of there? Are you the kind of person who just can't stand the idea of missing something? Are you trying to justify the cost of the book by consuming ever)' word? Did you just open to this page out of habit? Are...