 Expert VB 2008 Business ObjectsI have a passion for frameworks. In more than 20 years as a professional developer, I’ve never worked on a computing platform that did everything I needed it to do to build applications productively. The Microsoft .NET platform is wonderful, but it doesn’t always do quite what I want or need. To address those needs, I’m always... |  |  Pro SpringSource dm ServerThe SpringSource dm Server™ is a completely modular, OSGi-based Java server designed to run enterprise Java applications and Spring-powered applications with a new degree of flexibility and reliability. The SpringSource dm Server is based on the new SpringSource Dynamic Module Kernel™ (dm Kernel). The dm Kernel provides a module-based... |  |  Beginning Joomla!, Second Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional)Joomla!, exclamation point and all, is one of the most searched–for and hired–for open source content management systems in the world. Since 2007, the combination of Joomla! and Dan Rahmel’s bestselling Beginning Joomla!, From Novice to Professional have made it so that all you have to do is read a single... |
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