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Expert VB 2008 Business Objects
Expert VB 2008 Business Objects
I have a passion for frameworks. In more than 20 years as a professional developer, I’ve never worked on a computing platform that did everything I needed it to do to build applications productively. The Microsoft .NET platform is wonderful, but it doesn’t always do quite what I want or need. To address those needs, I’m always...
Pro SpringSource dm Server
Pro SpringSource dm Server
The SpringSource dm Server™ is a completely modular, OSGi-based Java server designed to run enterprise Java applications and Spring-powered applications with a new degree of flexibility and reliability. The SpringSource dm Server is based on the new SpringSource Dynamic Module Kernel™ (dm Kernel). The dm Kernel provides a module-based...
Beginning Joomla!, Second Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
Beginning Joomla!, Second Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
Joomla!, exclamation point and all, is one of the most searched–for and hired–for open source content management systems in the world. Since 2007, the combination of Joomla! and Dan Rahmel’s bestselling Beginning Joomla!, From Novice to Professional have made it so that all you have to do is read a single...
Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in VB 2008
Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in VB 2008
LINQ is the project name for a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that provide a generic approach to querying data from different data sources. LINQ will premier in Visual Studio 2008, and will become the next must–have skill for .NET developers. For more information about LINQ, you can check out www.linqdev.com.

Starting with code...

ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview (FirstPress)
ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview (FirstPress)

The ASP.NET MVC framework is the latest evolution of Microsoft’s ASP.NET web platform. It introduces a radical high–productivity programming model, promotes cleaner code architecture, supports test–driven development, and provides powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET 3.5.


Mac for Linux Geeks (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
Mac for Linux Geeks (Expert's Voice in Open Source)
Some might say we all want Linux with an OS X GUI. Mac for Linux Geeks will assist you step by step in migrating from Linux–based systems to OS X. Dual booting, virtualization, and building out the Linux environment on OS X are discussed in detail, along with a comparative view of well–known Mac tools and their open source...
NetBeans  Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby
NetBeans Ruby and Rails IDE with JRuby

As Ruby and Rails continues to grow, and more and more jobs are coming online that require you to effectively develop Ruby and Rails in the web tier. Beyond the Rails framework, there are still very few proven tools and IDEs to get the job done, at least until now. The NetBeans Ruby and Rails IDE, according to some, is by far the best and...

Pro SQL Server 2008 Replication
Pro SQL Server 2008 Replication
Pro SQL Server 2008 Replication is for MS database developers and administrators who want to learn about the different types of replication and those best suited to SQL Server 2008. This book will also cover advanced topics like replication with heterogeneous databases, backup and recovery of replicated databases, database mirroring with...
Learn C on the Mac (Learn Series)
Learn C on the Mac (Learn Series)

Considered a classic by an entire generation of Mac programmers, this popular guide has been completely updated for Mac OS X. Don’t know anything about programming? No problem! Acclaimed author Dave Mark starts out with the basics and takes you through a complete course in programming C using Apple’s free Xcode...

The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 with ActionScript
The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 with ActionScript
For any professional designer or developer working in the world of web technologies or multimedia, Flash is the must-have application, and knowing how to use it effectively is vital. Add in ActionScript 3.0, and Flash becomes an even more powerful tool for the development of high-performance web applications.

The Essential Guide to Flash...

Learn Objective-C on the Mac (Learn Series)
Learn Objective-C on the Mac (Learn Series)
Take your coding skills to the next level with this extensive guide to Objective–C, the native programming language for developing sophisticated software applications for Mac OS X. Objective–C is a powerful, object–oriented extension of C, making this book the perfect follow–up to Dave Mark’s...
Beginning XNA 3.0 Game Programming: From Novice to Professional (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
Beginning XNA 3.0 Game Programming: From Novice to Professional (Beginning from Novice to Professional)
It’s hard to believe the runaway popularity XNA has achieved in the short period of time since it was released in late 2006. At that time, I got together with a couple friends to check out (with some trepidation, I must confess) whether games really could be written in managed code.

We were very excited, and everyone wanted to know
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