 Beginning WebGL for HTML5
WebGL (Web-based Graphics Language) is a wonderful and exciting new technology that lets you create
powerful 3D graphics within a web browser. The way that this is achieved is by using a JavaScript API that
interacts with the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). This book will quickly get you on your way to demystify
shaders and ... |  |  Pro Android Apps Performance Optimization (Professional Apress)
Android quickly became almost ubiquitous. With the world transitioning from feature phones to
smartphones, and then discovering that tablets are, after all, devices we can hardly live without,
application developers today have a choice between mostly two platforms: Android and iOS.
Android lowered, some may even say broke, the... |  |  Pro OpenGL ES for Android
In 1985 I brought home a new shiny Commodore Amiga 1000, about one week after
they were released. Coming with a whopping 512K of memory, programmable
colormaps, a Motorola 68K CPU, and a modern multitasking operating system, it had
“awesome” writ all over it. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I thought it might
make a... |
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