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Power Plays: Energy Options in the Age of Peak Oil
Power Plays: Energy Options in the Age of Peak Oil

Many people wonder: Are we really running out of oil, or is it all a ruse to drive prices up? Is nuclear power safe and economical? Is solar energy really the key to providing plenty of carbon-free energy? Do we have enough natural gas or coal to make any loss of oil production irrelevant?

In Power Plays: Energy Options in the...

Pro jQuery
Pro jQuery

At its heart, jQuery does something that sounds pretty dull: it lets you modify the contents of HTML documents by manipulating the model that the browser creates when it processes the HTML (known as DOM manipulation, as I’ll explain later). If you are reading this, you have probably already done some DOM manipulation, either using...

Pro SharePoint with jQuery
Pro SharePoint with jQuery
In 2009, Lightning Tools decided to take one of its best-selling products, a desktop application, and put it into the browser as an application page in SharePoint—which turned out to be quite a challenge. When we were looking at technologies to use, jQuery stood out as something that could be really helpful. We spent a lot of...
The Definitive Guide to NetBeans™ Platform 7
The Definitive Guide to NetBeans™ Platform 7
With this work in your hands, you hold the most current and the most comprehensive guide to the Swing-based rich client platform, NetBeans Platform 7. This theme-rich client platform is highly topical. In addition to the NetBeans Platform, Eclipse RCP is also a principal representative of this category. The development of these two...
Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK
Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK

Beginning Kinect Programming with the Microsoft Kinect SDK gets you up and running developing Kinect applications for your PC using Microsoft tools and the official SDK. You will have a working Kinect program by the end of the first chapter! The following chapters will open up the secrets of three-dimensional vision, skeleton...

Pro Spring 3
Pro Spring 3

The agile, lightweight, open-source Spring Framework continues to be the de facto leading enterprise Java application development framework for today's Java programmers and developers. It works with other leading open-source, agile and lightweight Java technologies like Hibernate, Groovy, MyBatis, and more. Spring now also works...

Cloud Standards: Agreements That Hold Together Clouds
Cloud Standards: Agreements That Hold Together Clouds

Cloud computing is often described as providing computing resources the way electric utilities provide energy. In theory, anyone with an adequate connection to the Internet should be able to tap into a cloud provider and get exactly the computing resources they want when they want it, just like plugging into the electricity grid and...

Beginning iOS Cloud and Database Development
Beginning iOS Cloud and Database Development

Beginning iOS Cloud and Database Development gets you started with building apps that use Apple's iCloud. You'll learn the techniques which will enable you to devise and create iOS apps that can interact with iCloud servers. From the basics up, you'll progressively learn how to configure your app for iCloud, upload...

Pro Multithreading and Memory Management for iOS and OS X: with ARC, Grand Central Dispatch, and Blocks (Professional Apress)
Pro Multithreading and Memory Management for iOS and OS X: with ARC, Grand Central Dispatch, and Blocks (Professional Apress)
OSX Lion and iOS5 now offer an application memory management mechanism called Automatic Reference Counting (ARC). In short, ARC makes memory management the job of the compiler rather than the programmer, which quite often increases performance significantly.

In Chapters 2 and 3, you see just how powerful ARC is.
Beginning Windows Phone App Development (Beginning Apress)
Beginning Windows Phone App Development (Beginning Apress)

This is the third edition of this book. We wanted to improve upon the first two editions and update the book with new features of the Windows Phone OS, as well as provide hands-on knowledge on how to program the plethora of features offered by Windows Phone devices.

While the second edition was being written, Microsoft and

Why Startups Fail: And How Yours Can Succeed
Why Startups Fail: And How Yours Can Succeed

For the want-to-be entrepreneur thinking about taking the leap, the boot-strapped entrepreneur trying to energize a business three or four years in, and the venture-backed entrepreneur trying to scale, Why Startups Fail shows you the key mistakes new ventures make—and how to avoid them. Nearly everyone has an idea for a product...

Windows Phone Application Sketch Book
Windows Phone Application Sketch Book

Think you have the next great Windows Phone app idea? The Windows Phone Application Sketch Book is an essential tool for any aspiring Windows Phone developer. This sketch book makes it easy to centralize and organize your ideas, featuring enlarged Windows Phone templates to write on. Professionally...

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