 Pro NuGet (Professional Apress)
NuGet is a free, open source, package management tool for the .NET platform. It is developed by Microsoft and has been contributed to the ASP.NET Gallery on Outercurve Foundation, formerly known as the Codeplex Foundation. It also ships as part of the ASP.NET MVC 3 tooling. NuGet enables .NET developers to easily find packages, including any... |  |  Pro HTML5 Accessibility (Professional Apress)
This book aims to help web designers and developers come to grips with building exciting, accessible, and usable web sites/applications with HTML5. The book looks at using HTML5 to serve the needs of the widest possible audience, including people with disabilities using assistive technology (AT) and older people. It aims to be a useful go-to... |  |  Beginning Android ADK with Arduino (Beginning Apress)
In May 2011, Google held its annual developer conference, the Google IO, to present its newest
technologies to approximately 5,000 attendees. In addition to improvements in its already well-known
technologies such as the Google APIs or the core search technology, Google placed the focus on two
major themes: Chrome and Android. As... |
 Startup: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Running a Business
“If I was going to start a new business today I would be sure to study and pay close attention to Kevin Ready’s new book, Startup. His wisdom, experience, and his self-effacing and honest writing make this a real gem for aspiring entrepreneurs and business people of all kinds.”
—Bob Beaudine,... |  |  Broken Markets: A User's Guide to the Post-Finance Economy
"I would sleep better if I knew that Bernanke, Geithner, Bachus, Sen. Tim Johnson, Obama and Romney all kept dog-eared copies of Kevin Mellyn's Broken Markets on their nightstands. . . . Mellyn's work is a fascinating, important, and eminently good read and should inform the debate on overhauling the U.S. and... |  |  iOS 5 Application Sketch Book
Think you have the next great iOS app idea? The iOS 5 Application Sketch Book is an essential tool for any aspiring iOS developer. This sketch book makes it easy to centralize and organize your ideas, featuring enlarged iPhone 4S templates to write on. Professionally printed on high-quality paper, it has a total of 150 gridded... |
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