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Pro WPF in C# 2010: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4
Pro WPF in C# 2010: Windows Presentation Foundation in .NET 4

Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides the foundation for building applications and high-quality user experiences for the Windows operating system. It blends the application user interface, documents, and media content, while exploiting the full power of your computer's operating system.


Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 4
Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 4

Silverlight 4 has the potential to revolutionize the way we build business applications. With its flexibility, web deployment, cross-platform capabilities, rich .NET language support on the client, rich user interface control set, small runtime, and more, it comes close to the perfect platform in which to build business applications. It's...

Expert SQL Server 2008 Development
Expert SQL Server 2008 Development

Expert SQL Server 2008 Development is aimed at SQL Server developers ready to move beyond Books Online. Author and experienced developer Alastair Aitchison shows you how to think about SQL Server development as if it were any other type of development. You’ll learn to manage testing in SQL Server and to properly...

Adobe Coldfusion Anthology
Adobe Coldfusion Anthology

Adobe ColdFusion remains one of today’s significant Web Services tools and frameworks, and stands to become even more important as a possible primary tool for cloud development as well. As important as ColdFusion is and continues to become, we thought it would be a good idea to tap the leading authority on ColdFusion, the Fusion...

JavaScript for Absolute Beginners (Getting Started)
JavaScript for Absolute Beginners (Getting Started)

If you are new to both JavaScript and programming, this hands-on book is for you. Rather than staring blankly at gobbledygook, you'll explore JavaScript by entering and running hundreds of code samples in Firebug, a free JavaScript debugger. Then in the last two chapters, you'll leave the safety of Firebug and hand-code an uber cool...

Learn Xcode Tools for Mac OS X and iPhone Development (Learn Series)
Learn Xcode Tools for Mac OS X and iPhone Development (Learn Series)

This book will give you a thorough grounding in the principal and supporting tools and technologies that make up the Xcode Developer Tools suite. Apple has provided a comprehensive collection of developer tools, and this is the first book to examine the complete Apple programming environment for both Mac OS X and iPhone.

Beginning BlackBerry Development
Beginning BlackBerry Development

Are you a Java programmer looking for a new challenge and money-making opportunity? If so, Beginning BlackBerry Development may just be the book for you. This book will teach you everything you need to know to start developing apps that run on the BlackBerry family of devices and smartphones. With over 50 Million BlackBerry devices sold...

Pro Linux  Embedded Systems
Pro Linux Embedded Systems

Today, Linux is included with nearly every embedded platform. Embedded developers can take a more modern route and spend more time tuning Linux and taking advantage of open source code to build more robust, feature-rich applications. While Gene Sally does not neglect porting Linux to new hardware, modern embedded hardware is...

The Definitive Guide to Magento
The Definitive Guide to Magento

This book takes a comprehensive look at Magento, a robust and flexible e-commerce platform built on the Zend framework. With over 750,000 downloads, Magento is the fastest growing open source e-commerce solution. This book walks you through all of the steps necessary to build a fully functional Magento-based web site. It also includes...

Practical Clojure
Practical Clojure

This book is the first definitive reference for the Clojure language, providing both an introduction to functional programming in general and a more specific introduction to Clojure’s features. This book demonstrates the use of the language through examples, including features such as STM and immutability, which may be new to...

iPhone Design Award-Winning Projects (The Definitive Guide)
iPhone Design Award-Winning Projects (The Definitive Guide)

This book profiles developers who have received the prestigious Apple Design Award for iPhone app excellence. You’ll learn all about what makes these apps truly standout, including explanations of great user interface design and implementation, as well as the code under the hood that makes these the most responsive, intuitive, useful, and...

Beginning CouchDB
Beginning CouchDB

The new world of cloud computing needs data storage. CouchDB is the scalable, portable, simple database engine that is helping open source cloud architects put their data stores onto a firm foundation. Beginning CouchDB provides the tools to begin using this very powerful database engine without having to pay license fees for the...

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