 Mathematics & Physics for Programmers (Game Development Series)
Math and Physics for Programmers, Second Edition, is for many different people. If you
thumb through the pages, you can gain a sense of the topics covered and the presentation of
the material. The discussions of mathematics, physics, biology, and other topics are meant to
help you understand how such topics can assist you as a... |  |  Beginning C++ Through Game Programming, Third Edition
Cutting-edge computer games rival the best that Hollywood has to offer in visual effects, musical score, and pure adrenaline rush. But games are a form of entertainment unlike any other; they can keep players glued to their monitors for hours on end. What sets games apart and makes them so engrossing is interactivity. In a computer game, you... |  |  The Language of SQL: How to Access Data in Relational Databases
Most SQL texts attempt to serve as an encyclopedic reference on SQL syntax -- an approach that is counterproductive, since this information is readily available in online references published by the major database vendors. For SQL beginners, it's more important for a book to focus on general concepts and offer clear explanations and... |
 Introducing Fedora: Desktop Linux
Many people think of Fedora as an operating system that is way over their heads -- that only techies can use this strange, arcane OS with the odd name. Introducing Fedora: Desktop Linux is here to tell you that this is simply not the case. Fedora, and Linux in general, have become very easy for everyday home and business users to install and... |  |  Photographs from the Edge of Reality: True Stories About Shooting on Location, Surviving, and Learning Along the Way
As I traveled around the world as a photographer, it quickly became apparent that stories such as, “I was stuck on an overnight train, sleep deprived, en route to Warsaw, Poland, as border guards were demanding my travel documents at 4 a.m. in a language I didn’t understand…,” or, “I found myself celebrating the... |  |  PSP Game Creation for Teens
Games have come a long way since their inception far in our past.
The tools we have used in our game play have changed, as well, from knuckle
bones to cards to board games to early arcade games to today’s spiffy video game
consoles. The progression has been a lengthy one. Now hardware advances are
even changing the way we... |
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