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Excel 2010 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Business Problems
Excel 2010 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Business Problems
Excel 2010 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Business Problems helps anyone who wants to learn the basics of applying Excel’s powerful statistical tools to their business or to their classes. If understanding statistics isn’t your strongest suit, you are not mathematically inclined, or you are wary...
Geometric Methods and Applications: For Computer Science and Engineering (Texts in Applied Mathematics)
Geometric Methods and Applications: For Computer Science and Engineering (Texts in Applied Mathematics)

This book is an introduction to the fundamental concepts and tools needed for solving problems of a geometric nature using a computer. It attempts to fill the gap between standard geometry books, which are primarily theoretical, and applied books on computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, or machine learning.

 This book...

Helium Cryogenics (International Cryogenics Monograph Series)
Helium Cryogenics (International Cryogenics Monograph Series)

Twenty five years have elapsed since the original publication of Helium Cryogenics. During this time, a considerable amount of research and development involving helium fluids has been carried out culminating in several large-scale projects. Furthermore, the field has matured through these efforts so that there is now a broad...

Ethnic American Cooking: Recipes for Living in a New World
Ethnic American Cooking: Recipes for Living in a New World

Ethnic American Cooking: Recipes for Living in a New World is much more than a cookbook. It contains recipes from almost every nationality or ethnicity residing in the US and includes a brief introduction to understanding how those recipes represent that group’s food culture. It...

Collecting Nature (Collecting Histories)
Collecting Nature (Collecting Histories)

Nature can be collected in many forms and shapes: live animals have been locked up in cages, displayed in zoos and menageries, and their hides and dried body parts were used as part of the set-up in galleries and studies. Plants from far-away countries have been cultivated in botanical gardens and in hothouses. Even the depiction of medicinal...

Get Started in Computing
Get Started in Computing

Get Started in Computing is for anyone who wants to learn how to make good use of their PC. It doesn ’ t assume that you are a complete novice – there are very few of those left! You have probably used a PC a little – and can steer the mouse and use the keyboard (at least a bit).

You may have done a little...

Aqa Business for Gcse: Applied Options
Aqa Business for Gcse: Applied Options

This book provides information, exercises and materials to cover the learning required for the new AQA GCSE Applied Business (Double Award).

The new GCSE qualification has several routes, but all begin with ‘Setting Up a Business’. This unit is an introduction to setting up and running a business and looks at the...

Understand Body Language (Teach Yourself)
Understand Body Language (Teach Yourself)
Now updated for the 21st century with the very latest on NLP and other cutting-edge research

Not restricted to the workplace, but covering every social and domestic situation, this guide offers readers the knowledge and understanding to be able to use and interpret body language...
Btec National for It Practitioners
Btec National for It Practitioners

Bursting with full-colour screenshots, photographs and illustrations, you will find it easy to locate all the information you need in this brand new book. With bite-sized chunks of information linked to the learning outcomes and activities to help generate the necessary evidence, you are clearly guided towards a pass, merit or distinction....

BTEC National Engineering
BTEC National Engineering

Health and safety is of prime importance to all people working in manufacturing or engineering workplaces. Engineering can be, potentially, one of the most dangerous occupations workers can undertake because of the nature of the machinery, equipment, tools and techniques used. All workers should be protected from danger and risks to their...

The Media Teacher's Book
The Media Teacher's Book

Our students are the last generation of people who will have lived before the internet. For the next generation, there will be no concept of ‘going online’. Being always connected will be (in the developed world) everyday life. Equally, social media is increasingly competing with – or even replacing – ‘command...

Successful Selling in a Week
Successful Selling in a Week

The ability to sell products and services successfully is crucial to anyone who wants to advance their career. Written by Christine Harvey, a leading expert on selling as both a coach and a practitioner, this book quickly teaches you the insider secrets you need to know to in order to achieve profitable sales. The highly motivational 'in...

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