 SharePoint Apps with LightSwitch
This book is about developing SharePoint applications using Microsoft’s Visual Studio
LightSwitch product. The overall goal of this book is to present enough information
by way of worked examples to help you get started writing SharePoint applications
using Visual Studio LightSwitch.
... |  |  Bad Data Handbook: Cleaning Up The Data So You Can Get Back To Work
What is bad data? Some people consider it a technical phenomenon, like missing values or malformed records, but bad data includes a lot more. In this handbook, data expert Q. Ethan McCallum has gathered 19 colleagues from every corner of the data arena to reveal how they’ve recovered from nasty data problems.
From... |  |  Web Workers: Multithreaded Programs in JavaScript
Web Workers is a powerful feature of HTML5 that hasn’t received very much attention.
It provides an API that allows you to run JavaScript in a separate thread that doesn’t
interfere with the user interface of your web application. This JavaScript runs in parallel
with the main renderer and any of your ... |
 The Accessibility Handbook
Many people ask me how a developer who was working on the back-end for websites
got involved in accessibility. After all, it wasn’t technically a part of my job description.
It wasn’t going to make our sites faster (though I later found out it could have that side
affect). I didn’t have a ... |  |  Learning Node
Take your web development skills from browser to server with Node—and learn how to write fast, highly scalable network applications on this JavaScript-based platform. With this hands-on guide, you’ll quickly master Node’s core fundamentals, gain experience with several built-in and contributed modules, and learn the... |  |  Understanding Context: Environment, Language, and Information Architecture
To make sense of the world, we're always trying to place things in context, whether our environment is physical, cultural, or something else altogether. Now that we live among digital, always-networked products, apps, and places, context is more complicated than ever--starting with "where" and "who" we are. ... |
 Making Android Accessories with IOIO
Android phones are a great platform for developing apps, but sometimes it is nice if those apps go beyond the built-in hardware of the phone and connect to some homemade electronics.
The IOIO board allows you to do just that, and this book will show you how to use the IOIO board and interface it to various different ... |  |  Testable JavaScript
You have to test your code, so why not make the process as easy and painless as possible?
Client-side JavaScript is especially difficult to test properly, as we have very little control
over the environment within which our code runs. Multiple operating systems, multiple
versions of operating systems, multiple ... |  |  Understanding PaaS
The least understood feature of cloud computing, Platform as a Service (PaaS), is also the most powerful and cost effective. This concise overview shows you why organizations that properly wield PaaS can quickly gain a strong competitive advantage. You’ll learn how PaaS enables developers to pursue low cost R&D projects,... |
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