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Android Malware (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
Android Malware (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

Mobile devices, such as smart phones, have achieved computing and networking capabilities comparable to traditional personal computers. Their successful consumerization has also become a source of pain for adopting users and organizations. In particular, the widespread presence of information-stealing applications and other types of mobile...

Handbook of Food Factory Design
Handbook of Food Factory Design

Food manufacturing has evolved over the centuries from kitchen industries to modern, sophisticated production operations. A typical food factory includes the food processing and packaging lines, the buildings and exterior landscaping, and the utility-supply and waste-treatment facilities. As a single individual is unlikely to possess all the...

Database of Piano Chords: An Engineering View of Harmony (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Database of Piano Chords: An Engineering View of Harmony (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Database of Piano Chords: An Engineering View of Harmony includes a unique database of piano chords developed exclusively for music research purposes, and outlines the key advantages to using this dataset to further one’s research. The book also describes the physical bases of the occidental music chords and the influence used in...

Advanced Web Services
Advanced Web Services

Web services and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) have become thriving areas of academic research, joint university/industry research projects, and novel IT products on the market. SOC is the computing paradigm that uses Web services as building blocks for the engineering of composite, distributed applications out of the reusable application...

Observer's Guide to Star Clusters (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)
Observer's Guide to Star Clusters (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

This book helps readers find objects in the night sky with small-, medium-, and large-aperture telescopes. It provides comprehensive coverage for identifying and locating star clusters in all relevant constellations in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Teaching and Measuring Cognitive Readiness
Teaching and Measuring Cognitive Readiness

Teaching and Measuring Cognitive Readiness presents theoretical and empirical findings regarding cognitive readiness and assessments of their impact on adult learning. The term readiness is used in assessing student preparation for K-12 schools, while in the military and in industry, "readiness" denotes preparation to...

Network Science and Cybersecurity (Advances in Information Security)
Network Science and Cybersecurity (Advances in Information Security)

Network Science and Cybersecurity introduces new research and development efforts for cybersecurity solutions and applications taking place within various U.S. Government Departments of  Defense, industry and academic laboratories.

This book examines new algorithms and tools, technology platforms and reconfigurable...

Cultural Consultation: Encountering the Other in Mental Health Care (International and Cultural Psychology)
Cultural Consultation: Encountering the Other in Mental Health Care (International and Cultural Psychology)

Based on a recently completed project of cultural consultation in Montreal, Cultural Consultation presents a model of multicultural and applicable health care. This model used clinicians and consultants to provide in-depth assessment, treatment planning, and limited interventions in consultation with frontline primary care...

Handbook of School Mental Health: Research, Training, Practice, and Policy (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology)
Handbook of School Mental Health: Research, Training, Practice, and Policy (Issues in Clinical Child Psychology)

With so few therapeutic outlets readily available to young people, schools have evolved into mental health centers for many students. Yet schools are hampered by limited access to resources needed to provide mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention services.

Like its acclaimed predecessor, the Second Edition of the...

The Posterior Intrahepatic Approach in Liver Surgery (Medical Intelligence Unit)
The Posterior Intrahepatic Approach in Liver Surgery (Medical Intelligence Unit)

The objective of The Posterior Intrahepatic Approach in Liver Surgery is to describe techniques, as the more routine application today of split liver, living donor transplantation has continued to teach us more about the anatomy of the liver and its applications. Furthermore, laparoscopic surgery in general has grown space and it is important...

Handbook of EOQ Inventory Problems: Stochastic and Deterministic Models and Applications (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
Handbook of EOQ Inventory Problems: Stochastic and Deterministic Models and Applications (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory model first appeared in 1913, and in its centennial, it is still one of the most important inventory models.  Despite the abundance of both classical and new research results, there was (until now) no comprehensive reference source that provides the state-of-the-art findings on both theoretical...

Data Mining for Geoinformatics: Methods and Applications
Data Mining for Geoinformatics: Methods and Applications

The rate at which geospatial data is being generated exceeds our computational capabilities to extract patterns for the understanding of a dynamically changing world. Geoinformatics and data mining focuses on the development and implementation of computational algorithms to solve these problems. This unique volume contains a collection of...

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