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OSPF: A Network Routing Protocol
OSPF: A Network Routing Protocol

Learn how routers network using the OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) protocol and unpick Dijkstra's Network Algorithm to see how OSPF performs the calculations to determine the shortest or most appropriate path between two routers. OSPF: A Network Routing Protocol dives deep into the OSPF protocol without sacrificing simplicity in...

Junk Box Arduino: Ten Projects in Upcycled Electronics
Junk Box Arduino: Ten Projects in Upcycled Electronics

We all hate to throw electronics away. Use your 5 volt Arduino and have fun with them instead! Raid your electronics junk box to build the Cestino (Arduino compatible) board and nine other electronics projects, from a logic probe to a microprocessor explorer, and learn some advanced, old-school techniques along the way. Don’t have a...

Pro Couchbase Development: A NoSQL Platform for the Enterprise
Pro Couchbase Development: A NoSQL Platform for the Enterprise

Pro Couchbase Development: A NoSQL Platform for the Enterprise discusses programming for Couchbase using Java and scripting languages, querying and searching, handling migration, and integrating Couchbase with Hadoop, HDFS, and JSON. It also discusses migration from other NoSQL databases like MongoDB.

This book is for big...

Microsoft Mapping Second Edition: Geospatial Development in Windows 10 with Bing Maps and C#
Microsoft Mapping Second Edition: Geospatial Development in Windows 10 with Bing Maps and C#

This 200 page revised edition of Microsoft Mapping includes the latest details about SQL Server 2014 and the new 3D and Streetside-capable map control for Windows 10 applications. It contains updated chapters on Microsoft Azure and Power Map for Excel plus a new chapter on Bing Maps for Universal Windows. The book tells a story, from...

Designing for iOS with Sketch
Designing for iOS with Sketch

Designing for iOS with Sketch takes you through the process of designing your iOS app using Bohemian Code’s Sketch. Sketch is a powerful new design program that is quickly replacing Adobe PhotoShop for many designers designing for mobile apps and the mobile web. This book will introduce you to the program and then take you...

Creating Blogs with Jekyll
Creating Blogs with Jekyll

Learn to create your own blog using the Jekyll static site generator. You’ll start with a simple template, add new features to it, automate any maintenance, attach social sharing, and begin writing. By the end of Creating Blogs with Jekyll, you will be able to create custom blogs with Jekyll, update the content with ease, and...

Entertainment Apps On the Go with Windows 10: Music, Movies, and TV for PCs, Tablets, and Phones
Entertainment Apps On the Go with Windows 10: Music, Movies, and TV for PCs, Tablets, and Phones

Entertainment Apps On the Go with Windows 10 enables you to unleash the entertainment potential of your Windows 10 PC, tablet, or phone—or any combination of the three! Learn how to stream movies and TV shows, manage your media collection, purchase new media, and upload your music collection to the cloud.

Make your...

Using Chef with Microsoft Azure
Using Chef with Microsoft Azure

This book is your hands-on guide to infrastructure provisioning and configuration management in the cloud using Chef’s open source, cross-platform toolset. With over 10,000 customers joining the Microsoft Azure cloud platform each week and steadily increasing usage, the need for automation approaches has never been greater. This book...

Pro Spark Streaming: The Zen of Real-Time Analytics Using Apache Spark
Pro Spark Streaming: The Zen of Real-Time Analytics Using Apache Spark

Learn the right cutting-edge skills and knowledge to leverage Spark Streaming to implement a wide array of real-time, streaming applications. This book walks you through end-to-end real-time application development using real-world applications, data, and code. Taking an application-first approach, each chapter introduces use cases from...

Swift 2 for Absolute Beginners
Swift 2 for Absolute Beginners

Swift 2 for Absolute Beginners is perfect for those with no programming background, those with some programming experience but no object-oriented experience, or those that have a great idea for an app but haven’t programmed since school, and it is now updated for Swift 2.

Gary Bennett and Brad Lees are full-time...

Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX
Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX

Design and create video games using Java, with the LibGDX software library. By reading Beginning Java Game Development with LibGDX, you will learn how to design video game programs and how to build them in Java. You will be able to create your own 2D games, using various hardware for input (keyboard/mouse, gamepad controllers, or...

Rolling Out 5G: Use Cases, Applications, and Technology Solutions
Rolling Out 5G: Use Cases, Applications, and Technology Solutions

Examine the challenges of 4G in the light of impending and crucial future communication needs, and review the lessons learned from an implementation and system operation perspective with an eye towards the next generation – 5G. You'll investigate key changes and additions to 5G in terms of use cases. You'll also learn about the...

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