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Text shows how to write assembly language for programming the vertex shader and pixel shader hardware using DirectX 9. Covers the fundamentals of programming vectors using SIMD methodology in... |
 3DS Max LightingThis book is separated into three main parts: Part I, “Lighting Theory,” Part II, “3ds max Lighting Tools,” and Part III, “Creating Lighting.” Part I covers the fundamentals of what light is, how it acts and reacts in our world, and what those reactions look like. Part II covers the virtual... |  |  SQL Anywhere Studio 9 Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)There’s a good reason that SQL Anywhere has over 70% of the mobile database market. In fact, there are several good reasons: It’s easy to use, easy to administer, and it doesn’t take up much space. Those are all good things if you’re trying to deploy hundreds or thousands of databases. And they’re good... |  |  Learn the MFC C++ ClassesIt is not necessary to learn the Windows API in order to begin using the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library of C++ classes; you do not even have to know more than a few basic C++ concepts in order to begin. I have been teaching extension classes through the University of California, Berkeley, since 1993. My students have... |
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