The book begins with an overview and a tutorial that demonstrate a progression in functionality from grep to sed to awk. sed and awk share a similar command-line syntax, accepting user instructions in the form of a script. Because all three programs use UNIX regular expressions, an entire chapter is devoted to understanding UNIX regular expression...
Netscape Navigator 4.0! Internet Explorer 4.0! HTML 3.2! JavaScript! Style sheets! Layers! HTML is changing so fast it's almost impossible to keep up with developments. How do you know what's real, and how do you use it? This book brings it all together for you. HTML: The Definitive Guide is the most comprehensive book...
The books in O'Reilly's Oracle series are authoritative -- they tell the whole story about complex topics, ranging from performance tuning to the use of packages in PL/SQL to new technologies like Power Objects. And they're independent; they're alternatives for readers who need to know how products and features really work....
Make sure as many PL/SQL developers as possible know about packages and how to use them. Students who attend my training sessions soon come to realize after a day or two that the answer to almost any question I ask is: "Build a package." They also often stumble out of the sessions chanting the mantra:...
The Java AWT Reference provides complete reference documentation on the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), a large collection of classes for building graphical user interfaces in Java. With AWT, you can create windows, draw, work with images, and use components like buttons, scrollbars, and pulldown menus. The Java AWT...
The Java Fundamental Classes Reference provides complete reference documentation on the core Java 1.1 classes. These classes contain architecture-independent methods that serve as Java's gateway to the real world, by providing access to resources such as the network and the host filesystem. The core classes also include...
We tried hard to make this book useful for both random and sequential access. Each recipe is self-contained, but has a list of references at the end should you need further information on the topic. We've tried to put the simpler, more common recipes toward the front of each chapter and the simpler chapters toward the front of the...
With the advent of client-side scripting, it is possible to create programs that run on a user's browser in response to particular user actions, like passing the mouse over a hyperlink or clicking a standard HTML command button. By taking advantage of client-side scripts, web pages can be made more interactive, and programs that...
Writing kernel-mode Windows NT programs--such as file-system drivers (FSDs), filter drivers, and antivirus programs--poses a challenge to even experienced Windows programmers. It's hard enough to get these programs to work, but getting them to live peacefully with other kernel programs and NT itself is an art. Nagar sorts through the mechanics...
Anyone who installs Windows NT, creates a user, or adds a printer is an NT system administrator (whether they realize it or not). This book organizes NT's complex GUI interface, dialog boxes, and multitude of DOS-shell commands into an easy-to-use quick reference for anyone who uses or manages an NT system. It features a new...
Over 1.5 million Americans use wheelchairs for a variety of causes: a congenital condition, traumatic injury, or disease. People who depend upon wheelchairs for mobility are in varied situations. They might live independently or need attendant care; live alone or with family; be employed full-time or no longer working. Despite...
This book is about a powerful tool called "regular expressions."
Here, you will learn how to use regular expressions to solve problems and get the most out of tools that provide them. Not only that, but much more: this book is about mastering regular expressions.
If you use a computer, you can benefit from regular...