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Learning Perl, Second Edition
Learning Perl, Second Edition
Among other things, this book is about 260 pages long. It is also a gentle introduction to Perl. By the
time you've gone through this book, you'll have touched on the majority of the simpler operations and
common language idioms found in most Perl programs.

This book is not intended as a comprehensive guide to Perl; on the
Perl in a Nutshell
Perl in a Nutshell
Perl in a Nutshell is a comprehensive reference guide to the Perl programming language. This book covers all the core features of the language. It ranges widely through the Perl programmer's universe, gathering together in convenient form a wealth of information about Perl itself and its application to CGI scripts, network programming,...
Developing Java Beans (Java Series)
Developing Java Beans (Java Series)
Java Beans is the most important new development in Java this year. Beans is the next generation of Java technology that not only adds features the language lacked, but also lets Java programs interoperate with a number of development environments. The initial release includes a bridge for Microsoft's ActiveX/COM; future releases will include...
Net Lessons: Web-Based Projects for Your Classroom
Net Lessons: Web-Based Projects for Your Classroom

Net Lessons features 70 K-12 classroom-tested lesson plans that harness the unique potentials of the Web, plus hundreds of extensions and ideas for all subject areas. The book also provides curriculum frameworks for creating your own successful Web projects, assessment tools, and the advice of teachers who have used the Web in...

Access Database Design & Programming: What You Really Need to Know to Develop with Access (Nutshell Handbooks)
Access Database Design & Programming: What You Really Need to Know to Develop with Access (Nutshell Handbooks)

When using software products with graphical interfaces, we frequently focus so much on the details of how to use the interface that we forget about the more general concepts that allow us to understand and put the software to effective use. This is particularly true of a powerful database product like Microsoft Access. Novice, and...

Windows NT User Administration
Windows NT User Administration

Windows NT User Administration covers everyday problems faced by system administrators and goes beyond the GUI to describe the tools you need to solve them. The book covers the whole spectrum of user management: user security, user customization, and system resource auditing. You'll find real-world examples and many useful Perl...

Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition
Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition
This book is devoted to practical C programming. C is currently the premier language for software developers. That's because it's widely distributed and standard. Newer languages are available, such as C++, but these are still evolving. C is still the language of choice for robust, portable programming.

This book emphasizes the skills
High Performance Computing (RISC Architectures, Optimization & Benchmarks)
High Performance Computing (RISC Architectures, Optimization & Benchmarks)

The computing power that's available on the average desktop has exploded in the past few years. A typical PC has performance exceeding that of a multi-million dollar supercomputer a mere decade ago. To some people, that might mean that it's time to sit back and watch computers get faster: performance is no longer an issue,...

Learning Perl/Tk: Graphical User Interfaces with Perl (O'Reilly Nutshell)
Learning Perl/Tk: Graphical User Interfaces with Perl (O'Reilly Nutshell)
By combining the rough-and-ready Perl language with the graphical user interface (GUI) capabilities of the Tk toolkit, Perl/Tk makes it easy to write event-based GUI applications quickly--once you know what you're doing. Learning Perl/Tk shows you how to build GUIs with everyone's favorite public-domain programming language. This book...
Windows 95 in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))
Windows 95 in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))

Windows 95 in a Nutshell is a comprehensive, compact reference that systematically unveils what serious users of Windows 95 will find interesting and useful. Little known details of the operating system, utility programs, and configuration settings are all captured in a consistent reference format.This is the first book in...

Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers
Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers

Routers are the glue that connects the pieces of your network. Even in the simplest networks, this isn't a simple task. Routers have evolved into highly specialized computing platforms, with extremely flexible but complex capabilities.Managing IP Networks with Cisco Routers is a practical guide to setting up and...

Using and Managing PPP
Using and Managing PPP

In the last decade, the Internet has grown from a network that connected a few universities and research centers to a network that links many businesses and households all over the country. That expansion occurred for many reasons, but the technological advance that facilitated this growth was an obscure protocol called PPP.PPP...

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