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Practical Insight into Cmmi (Artech House Computing Library)
Practical Insight into Cmmi (Artech House Computing Library)
This book provides the reader with an insight into which an activities an
organization would be engaged and what the role of each level of management
and the practitioners would be if their systems and software engineering
processes were based onCMM®IntegrationSM. It captures the essence
of each of the process areas by
OFDM Towards Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
OFDM Towards Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
Presenting the state of the art in broadband wireless access technology, this unique resource methodically presents the fundamentals of OFDM(A) technology--the cornerstone of the next generation of broadband wireless access offerings. In addition, this book succinctly depicts the future landscape of mobile broadband wireless access and the...
Contemporary Cryptography (Artech House Computer Security503)
Contemporary Cryptography (Artech House Computer Security503)
With the current ubiquity of computer networks and distributed systems in general,
and the Internet in particular, cryptography has become an enabling technology to
secure the information infrastructure(s) we are building, using, and counting on in
daily life. This is particularly true for modern cryptography.5 The important role
Home Networking Technologies and Standards (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
Home Networking Technologies and Standards (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Covering the vast majority of current and emerging home networking technologies, standards, and trends, this practical resource offers a comprehensive understanding of this developing area. Home Networking Technologies and Standards presents an “end-to-end reference architecture,” in which the main residential services are...

SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol, Second Edition
SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol, Second Edition
The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a new signaling, presence and instant
messaging protocol developed to set up, modify, and tear down multimedia sessions,
request and deliver presence and instant messages over the Internet [1].
This chapter covers some background for the understanding of the protocol. SIP
was developed by
Achieving Software Quality through Teamwork
Achieving Software Quality through Teamwork
The cost of failed IT projects in the United States was recently estimated at
$84 billion in just 1 year [1], so software quality matters more now than it
ever has, and it matters to you and me because we use that software. For all
of us, our reliance on software is increasing year by year whether we realize
it or not. More of
Introduction to RF Equipment and System Design
Introduction to RF Equipment and System Design
Applies theoretical fundamentals to real-world issues, heavily relying on examples from recent design projects. Key discussions include system design schemes, circuits and components for system evaluations and design.

An excellent resource for engineers and technicians alike, this practical design guide offers a comprehensive and
Voice over 802.11 (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
Voice over 802.11 (Artech House Telecommunications Library)
An understanding of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) and how it is
potentially going to be replaced is best grasped by understanding its three major
components: access, switching, and transport. Access pertains to how a user
accesses the network. Switching refers to how a call is “switched” or routed...
EW 102: A Second Course in Electronic Warfare
EW 102: A Second Course in Electronic Warfare
Serving as a continuation of the bestselling book EW 101: A First Course in Electronic Warfare, this new volume is a second installment of popular tutorials featured in the Journal of Electronic Defense. Without delving into complex mathematics, this book gives engineers, defense contractors, managers, and government procurers a basic working...
Phased Array Antenna Handbook, Second Edition
Phased Array Antenna Handbook, Second Edition
Phased array antennas consist of multiple stationary antenna elements, which are
fed coherently and use variable phase or time-delay control at each element to scan
a beam to given angles in space. Variable amplitude control is sometimes also
provided for pattern shaping. Arrays are sometimes used in place of fixed aperture...
Production Testing of RF and System-on-a-Chip Devices for Wireless Communications (Artech House Microwave Library)
Production Testing of RF and System-on-a-Chip Devices for Wireless Communications (Artech House Microwave Library)
With the increasing number of integrated wireless devices being developed with SOC (system on a chip) technology, a merger of RF and mixed-signal test approaches is quickly becoming a necessity. Addressing this need head-on, this first-of-its-kind resource offers you an in-depth overview of RF and SOC product testing for wireless communications....
New Photonics Technologies For The Information Age: The Dream Of Ubitquitous Services (Artech House Optoelectronics Library)
New Photonics Technologies For The Information Age: The Dream Of Ubitquitous Services (Artech House Optoelectronics Library)
This far-reaching resource gives you an in-depth look at the technological developments fueling the drive to the realization of ubiquitous IT services. Based on groundbreaking papers presented at the International Symposium on New Frontiers for Ubiquitous IT Services, the book describes a wide range of state-of-the-art engineering advances in...
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