 Quick Results with the Output Delivery System (Art Carpenter's SAS Software)Improve the appearance of your SAS output today! Learn the basic concepts of the Output Delivery System (ODS) and apply ODS features to your SAS output quickly and effectively. This book discusses issues associated with defining and selecting output destinations, selecting output objects, and creating customized output files. By using the... |  |  SAS for Forecasting Time Series, Second EditionIn this second edition of the indispensable SAS for Forecasting Time Series, Brocklebank and Dickey show you how SAS performs univariate and multivariate time series analysis. Taking a tutorial approach, the authors focus on the procedures that most effectively bring results: the advanced procedures ARIMA, SPECTRA, STATESPACE, and VARMAX.... |  |  Data Mining Using SAS Enterprise Miner: A Case Study ApproachTo start Enterprise Miner, start SAS and then type miner on the SAS command bar.
Enterprise Miner organizes data analyses into projects and diagrams. Each project may have several process flow diagrams, and each diagram may contain several analyses. Typically each diagram contains an analysis of... |
 SAS/GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes 1 and 2This text provides a detailed introduction to SAS/GRAPH, complete information about each SAS/GRAPH statement and procedure, as well as information about the DATA step graphics interface, complete with example programs.
SAS/GRAPH software extends the power of SAS' data management and analytical tools, giving you the ability to turn data... |  |  Sas 9.1 Language Reference ConceptsThis title comprehensively documents essential concepts for SAS features, the DATA step, and SAS files, including general BASE SAS concepts, BASE SAS DATA, BASE SAS file concepts, and much more.
Base SAS software enables you to bring all your data into a single system. This title comprehensively documents essential concepts for SAS... |  |  SAS 9.1 Language Reference: Dictionary, Volumes 1, 2, and 3This manual provides you with a complete reference to all features of the SAS language that are not specific to an operating system. It contains data set options, formats and informats, functions and CALL routines, statements and system options, and more.
At the heart of SAS is Base SAS software, which provides tools that are essential... |
 Sas 9.1 Companion For Windows: BooksEvery SAS Windows user will benefit from this companion! This companion describes aspects of the SAS interface and the SAS language that are specific to the Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP environments. You will learn how to configure and customize your SAS session to accommodate the way you like to work, manage SAS libraries and... |  |  Base SAS 9.1 Procedures Guide, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4Base SAS software enables you to bring all of your organization's data into a single system! In this three-volume set you have the complete reference for all Base SAS procedures! It contains numerous examples of how to use procedures to analyze, manage, and present your data. An overview of each procedure is provided, giving you a clear idea of... |  |  Sas 9.1 Sql Query Window: User's GuideComplete with step-by-step examples, this guide will teach you basic query concepts, how to perform basic queries on single and multiple tables, how to use advanced SQL Query window features, and much more.
Step-by-step examples are you guide as you use the windowing interface to the SQL procedure. The SQL Query window supports the PROC... |
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