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The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite
The Definitive Guide to Apache mod_rewrite
mod_rewrite, frequently called the “Swiss Army Knife” of URL manipulation, is one
of the most popular—and least understood—modules in the Apache Web Server’s bag of
tricks. In this chapter we’ll discuss what it is, why it’s necessary, and the basics of using it.
For many people, mod_rewrite
Building Online Communities With Drupal, phpBB, and WordPress
Building Online Communities With Drupal, phpBB, and WordPress
Building an online community can be a daunting task. Countless different applications are
available for you to use as the foundation of your community. When I first envisioned this book,
I saw that online communities were primarily based on three different types of applications:
content management systems, bulletin boards, and blogs.
Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005
Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005
This book is intended as a primer for professional developers who have reasonable knowledge of
server-side web development. This book doesn’t provide an exhaustive look at every ingredient in
the .NET Framework—in fact, such a book would require twice as many pages. Instead, this book
provides a lean, intelligent
Practical .NET for Financial Markets
Practical .NET for Financial Markets
Practical .NET for Financial Markets was born because we were convinced no focused literature
existed for people involved in application/product development in financial markets using .NET.
Although a lot of .NET-related material is available, most often it is not relevant for developers in
the finance domain. The finance domain
Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies
Pro SQL Server 2005 Assemblies
The main aim of this book is to show you each of the different types of .NET assemblies now
possible within SQL Server 2005. This is a major leap in technology for developers and database
administrators alike. Knowing when, how, and why to use this technology is crucial in
continuing to offer stable and efficient database servers and
Foundation ASP for Dreamweaver 8
Foundation ASP for Dreamweaver 8
Do you want to learn about Microsoft's ASP and use it via Dreamweaver 8 to add the power of a database to your website? Use dynamic web forms to exchange data between you and your users? Build complete web applications? This book shows you how to do all that and more.

Dreamweaver 8 takes a lot of the hard work out of performing tasks
Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8
Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8

Want to add the power of a database to your websites? Build online forms that send feedback straight to your inbox? Incorporate live news feeds and XML data into your web pages? This book shows you how to do all that and more.

Dreamweaver 8 takes a lot of the hard work out of integrating a database into your websites, but it...

SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
When it comes to performing your daily SQL Server tasks, technical documentation tends to
tell you more than you need to know.

Let’s say that you’re in a hurry, and you want to add a unique constraint to a table before
someone inserts a duplicate value into it. Where do you look?

One obvious choice is SQL
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional
This book explores ASP.NET, which is a core part of Microsoft’s .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is not a single application—it’s actually a collection of technologies bundled into one marketing term. The .NET Framework includes languages such as C# and VB .NET, an engine for hosting programmable web pages and web services...
WiMax Operator's Manual: Building 802.16 Wireless Networks, Second Edition (Expert's Voice in Net)
WiMax Operator's Manual: Building 802.16 Wireless Networks, Second Edition (Expert's Voice in Net)
The second edition of WiMax Operator’s Manual includes most of the material from the first
edition, plus new discussions of

• The ultra-high-speed mobile telephone standard, HSDPA
• Ultrawideband (UWB)
• Changes to DSL technologies
• Mobile voice
• Mobile entertainment
Microsoft SharePoint: Building Office 2003 Solutions, Second Edition
Microsoft SharePoint: Building Office 2003 Solutions, Second Edition
Almost five years ago, when I completed my sixth book, Scot Hillier’s COM+ Programming with Visual Basic (SAMS, 2000), I thought I was done with technical writing. Since then, I have seen some new technologies emerge, but...
Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional
Beginning Object-Oriented Programming with VB 2005: From Novice to Professional

It has been my experience as a Visual Basic trainer that most people do not have trouble picking up the syntax of the language. What perplexes and frustrates many people are the higher-level concepts of object-oriented programming methodology and design. To compound the problem, most introductory programming books and training...

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