 |  |  SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, Second Edition
SQL Injection Attacks and Defense, First Edition: Winner of the Best Book Bejtlich Read Award
"SQL injection is probably the number one problem for any server-side application, and this book unequaled in its coverage." -Richard Bejtlich, Tao Security blog
SQL injection represents... |  |  Introduction to Information Security: A Strategic-Based Approach
Most introductory texts provide a technology-based survey of methods and techniques that leaves the reader without a clear understanding of the interrelationships between methods and techniques. By providing a strategy-based introduction, the reader is given a clear understanding of how to provide overlapping defenses for critical... |
 |  |  Writing Security Tools and ExploitsExploits. In most information technology circles these days, the term exploits has become synonymous with vulnerabilities or in some cases, buffer overflows. It is not only a scary word that can keep you up at night wondering if you purchased the best firewalls, configured your new host-based intrusion prevention system correctly,... |  |  |
 The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe
In this series of lectures I shall try to give an outline of what we think is the history of the universe from the big bang to black holes. In the first lecture I shall briefly review past ideas about the universe and how we got to our present picture. One might call this the history of the history of the universe.
In the second... |  |  Web Designer's Guide to Adobe Photoshop (Wordware Applications Library)Whether your goal is to expand your professional skills or simply handle your local club’s website, this book will help you not only create web pages but also get them working properly on the World Wide Web.
While Adobe Photoshop is the standard application for editing images for print, its powerful features also make it useful for... |  |  32/64-bit 80x86 Assembly Language ArchitectureThis book discusses 32- and 64-bit 80x 86 assembly language programming inclusive of the SIMD instruction supersets that bring the 80x86 processor into the realm of the supercomputer. This book can be used in a self-taught or academic environment.
The increasing complexity of programming environments provides a number of opportunities for... |
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