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Chip Multiprocessor Architecture: Techniques to Improve Throughput and Latency
Chip Multiprocessor Architecture: Techniques to Improve Throughput and Latency
Chip multiprocessors — also called multi-core microprocessors or CMPs for short — are now the only way to build high-performance microprocessors, for a variety of reasons. Large uniprocessors are no longer scaling in performance, because it is only possible to extract a limited amount of parallelism from a typical instruction stream...
Transactional Memory (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture)
Transactional Memory (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture)
The advent of multicore processors has renewed interest in the idea of incorporating transactions into the programming model used to write parallel programs. This approach, known as transactional memory, offers an alternative, and hopefully better, way to coordinate concurrent threads. The ACI (atomicity, consistency, isolation) properties of...
Controlling Energy Demands in Mobile Computing Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
Controlling Energy Demands in Mobile Computing Systems (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
This lecture provides an introduction to the problem of managing the energy demand of mobile devices. Reducing energy consumption, primarily with the goal of extending the lifetime of battery-powered devices, has emerged as a fundamental challenge in mobile computing and wireless communication. The focus of this lecture is on a systems approach...
Learning Programming using MATLAB (Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering)
Learning Programming using MATLAB (Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering)
Why learn programming? There are several answers to that. Computers are ubiquitous—your car, your mp3 player, the orbiting satellites which provide us with the ability to communicate and the automatic coffee maker all use a computer of some sort. Andcomputers require programming to function. Knowing how to program provides us with a bit of...
Replicated Data Management for Mobile Computing (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
Replicated Data Management for Mobile Computing (Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing)
Mobility has become increasingly important for both business and casual users of computing technology. With the widespread adoption of portable computing devices, such as laptops, PDAs, tablet computers, music players, and cell phones, people can have almost constant access to their personal data as well as to information that is shared with...
Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture)
Computer Architecture Techniques for Power-Efficiency (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture)
In the last few years, power dissipation has become an important design constraint, on par with performance, in the design of new computer systems. Whereas in the past, the primary job of the computer architect was to translate improvements in operating frequency and transistor count into performance, now power efficiency must be taken into account...
The Structure and Properties of Color Spaces and the Representation of Color Images
The Structure and Properties of Color Spaces and the Representation of Color Images
This lecture describes the author's approach to the representation of color spaces and their use for color image processing. The lecture starts with a precise formulation of the space of physical stimuli (light). The model includes both continuous spectra and monochromatic spectra in the form of Dirac deltas. The spectral densities are considered...
Sparse Adaptive Filters for Echo Cancellation (Synthesis Lectures on Speech and Audio Processing)
Sparse Adaptive Filters for Echo Cancellation (Synthesis Lectures on Speech and Audio Processing)

Adaptive filters with a large number of coefficients are usually involved in both network and acoustic echo cancellation. Consequently, it is important to improve the convergence rate and tracking of the conventional algorithms used for these applications. This can be achieved by exploiting the sparseness character of the echo paths....

Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy (Synthesis Lectures on Energy and the Environment: Technology, Science, and Society)
Nonimaging Optics in Solar Energy (Synthesis Lectures on Energy and the Environment: Technology, Science, and Society)
Nonimaging optics is a subdiscipline of optics whose development over the last 35–40 years was led by scientists from the University of Chicago and other cooperating individuals and institutions. The approach provides a formalism that allows the design of optical devices that approach the maximum physically attainable geometric concentration...
Hitting the Wall: A Vision of a Secure Energy Future (Synthesis Lectures on Energy and the Environment: Technology, Science, and Society)
Hitting the Wall: A Vision of a Secure Energy Future (Synthesis Lectures on Energy and the Environment: Technology, Science, and Society)
Hitting the Wall examines the combination of two intractable energy problems of our age: the peaking of global oil production and the overloading of the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. Both emerge from the overconsumption of fossil fuels and solving one problem helps solve the other. The misinformation campaign about climate change is discussed...
GPU-Based Techniques for Global Illumination Effects (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics)
GPU-Based Techniques for Global Illumination Effects (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics)
Real-time rendering poses severe computational requirements to computers. In order to maintain a continuous looking motion for the human eye, at least 20 images need to be generated in each second. An image consists of about a million pixels, which means that for a single pixel the visible point and its color should be computed in less than 50 ns...
High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics)
High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction (Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics)
High dynamic range imaging (HDRI) is an emerging field that has the potential to cause a great scientific and technological impact in the near future. Although new, this field is large and complex, with non-trivial relations to many different areas, such as image synthesis, computer vision, video and image processing, digital photography, special...
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