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Current Issues in Knowledge Management (Premier Reference Source)
Current Issues in Knowledge Management (Premier Reference Source)
As global enterprise grows increasingly reliant on electronic data, processes, and procedures, studies of the management of organizational knowledge are emergin at the forefront of critical research.

Current Issues in Knowledge Management combines cutting-edge research on the cultural, technical, organizational, and human...

Knowledge and Knowledge Systems: Learning from the Wonders of the Mind
Knowledge and Knowledge Systems: Learning from the Wonders of the Mind
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the nature of knowledge, its structure, and its utilization. With the advent and eventual proliferation of computers and databases, knowledge has become a commodity embedded in our tools and in machines we use for everyday needs. We produce today more information (and knowledge) in one day than...
Knowledge Reuse and Agile Processes: Catalysts for Innovation
Knowledge Reuse and Agile Processes: Catalysts for Innovation
Innovation, agility, and coordination are paramount in the support of value in the global knowledge economy. Therefore, the long-term success of a company is increasingly dependent on its underlying resilience and agility.

Knowledge Reuse and Agile Processes: Catalysts for Innovation addresses flexibility of both business...

Research Issues in Systems Analysis and Design, Databases and Software Development
Research Issues in Systems Analysis and Design, Databases and Software Development
Ever since the first major software systems were developed, a chronic “software crisis” has been seen either looming ahead or haunting the community (Brooks, 1975). Solutions have been sought mostly in raising the productivity of programmers, making systems less defective (e.g., process management and development approaches; Boehm,...
Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications With Information Technology
Managing Worldwide Operations and Communications With Information Technology
A data warehouse consists of a set of materialized views that contain derived data from several data sources. Materialized views are beneficial because they allow efficient retrieval of summary data. However, materialized views need to be refreshed periodically in order to avoid staleness. During a materialized view refresh only changes to the base...
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Technologies (Advances in Data Warehousing and Mining)
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Technologies (Advances in Data Warehousing and Mining)
Data warehousing and OLAP (online analytical processing) technologies have gained a widespread acceptance since the 90’s as a support for decision-making. A data warehouse is a collection of subject-oriented, integrated, consolidated, time-varying, and non-volatile data (Kimball, 1996; Inmon, 1996). It is manipulated through OLAP tools, which...
Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time and Asynchronous Information Technology Education
Handbook of Distance Learning for Real-Time and Asynchronous Information Technology Education
In information technology, unlike many other fields, the need to support the unique perspective of technologically advanced students and deliver technology-rich content presents unique challenges. Todays IT students need the ability to interact with their instructor in near-real time, interact with their peers and project team members, and access...
Engineering Service Oriented Systems: A Model Driven Approach
Engineering Service Oriented Systems: A Model Driven Approach
Despite pressures of economic slowdown and the e-commerce bubble burst, moving towards e-services is a compelling necessity for todays organizations. Companies that are reluctant to adopt a service oriented architecture in their IT systems will be missing out on unprecedented opportunities to create business value with relatively small IT...
Intelligent Data Analysis: Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discovery and Recovery (Premier Reference Source)
Intelligent Data Analysis: Developing New Methodologies Through Pattern Discovery and Recovery (Premier Reference Source)
Pattern Recognition has a long history of applications to data analysis in business, military and social economic activities. While the aim of pattern recognition is to discover the pattern of a data set, the size of the data set is closely related to the methodology one adopts for analysis. Intelligent Data Analysis: Developing New Methodologies...
Handbook on Advancements in Smart Antenna Technologies for Wireless Networks (Premier Reference Source)
Handbook on Advancements in Smart Antenna Technologies for Wireless Networks (Premier Reference Source)
The dramatic growth of the wireless communication industry has resulted in searches for new technologies to provide broader bandwidth per user channel, better quality, and new value-added services. Employing smart antennas presents an elegant and relatively economical way to improve the performance of wireless transmission.

The Handbook...

Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies
Handbook of Research on Text and Web Mining Technologies

The massive daily overflow of electronic data to information seekers creates the need for better ways to digest and organize this information to make it understandable and useful. Text mining, a variation of data mining, extracts desired information from large, unstructured text collections stored in electronic forms.


Basic English Grammar: For English Language Learners: Book 1
Basic English Grammar: For English Language Learners: Book 1
Grammar is a very old field of study. Did you know that the sentence was first divided into subject and verb by Plato, the famed philosopher from ancient Greece? That was about 2,400 years ago! Ever since then, students all over the world have found it worthwhile to study the structure of words and sentences. Why? Because...
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