Software engineering has advanced rapidly in recent years in parallel with the complexity and scale of software systems. New requirements in software systems yield innovative approaches that are developed either through introducing new paradigms or extending the capabilities of well-established approaches.
Databases are designed to support data storage, processing, and retrieval activities related to data management. The use of databases in various applications has resulted in an enormous wealth of data, which populates many types of databases around the world.
In the last years, free and open source software, i.e. software under a license that grants several rights like
free redistribution to the user, has become more and more important, with this importance now stretching
beyond the mere use of well-known projects in both private and commercial settings (Fitzgerald,
2006; von Krogh and...
Though once considered purely for their entertainment value, computer and online games have applications as learning tools in learning in a variety of different environments.
Computer Games as Educational and Management Tools: Uses and Approaches considers the many uses of games and simulations, focusing specifically on...
With the globalization of economies and growth of information and communication technologies (ICT), collaboration has become the key to survival. Just like individuals and mankind, business organizations also depend on collaboration for survival and growth. The concept of departments, committees, teams, etc., which are so fundamental to...
Recently, the rapid and fundamental advances in computing technologies have been driving the role and
scope of software systems to a new level. A number of new types of software systems are emerging,
among which service based systems, cloud computing, pervasive computing, and Internet of Things are
eminent examples. For these systems,...
The application of advanced technologies to point of sale systems is a promising and relatively unexplored field of study, in particular when considering the introduction of digital content and technologies allowing consumers to interact with products in new ways. Many e-retailers already exploit the opportunities offered by interactive...
Media in the ubiquitous area is undergoing a tremendous change. Social media and Web 2.0 are applied in ever more diverse practices both in private and public communities and digital games and play are currently undergoing many transformations. Traditional communication and expression modalities are challenged and totally new practices are...
Emergent technologies, including ambient intelligence and pervasive computing, promise a considerable advance in the way people use virtual communities, and new, innovative applications are making virtual communities more dynamic and usable than ever.
Virtual Community Building and the Information Society: Current and Future...
In today’s world of rapid, disruptive change, strategy can’t be separate from execution—it has to emerge from execution. You have to continually adjust your strategy to fit new realities. But if your organization isn’t set up to be fast on its feet, you could...
This best-selling and widely used resource on pediatric antimicrobial therapy provides instant access to reliable, up-to-the-minute recommendations for treatment of all infectious diseases in children.
For each disease, the authors provide a commentary to help health care providers select the best of all...
Executive Intelligence zeros in on leadership smarts and notes that in all lists compiled by leadership experts, head hunters, and boards of directors the one and only trait that appears in all is intelligence. Obvious? No, because typically leadership savvy regularly trumps smarts....