Mastering Metasploit
With this book, you can improve your Metasploit skills and learn to put your network’s defenses to the ultimate test. The step-by-step approach teaches you the techniques and languages needed to become an expert.
Develops Real World Approaches to Penetration testing using Metasploit
... |  |  Pentaho 5.0 Reporting by Example: Beginner's Guide
Learn to use the power of Pentaho for Business Intelligence reporting in a series of simple, logical stages. From installation in Windows or Linux right through to publishing your own Java web application, it's all here.
Install and configure PRD in Linux and Windows
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Vaadin is a mature, open-source, and powerful Java framework used to build modern web applications in plain Java. Vaadin brings back the fun of programming UI interfaces to the web universe. No HTML, no CSS, no JavaScript, no XML. Vaadin lets you implement web user interfaces using an object oriented model, similar to desktop technologies... |