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Getting Started with Magento Extension Development
Getting Started with Magento Extension Development

This practical guide to building Magento modules from scratch takes you step-by-step through the whole process, from first principles to practical development. At the end of it you’ll have acquired expertise based on thorough understanding.


  • Get a detailed insight into the structure of...
Kali Linux: Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide
Kali Linux: Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide

Key Features

  • Learn wireless penetration testing with Kali Linux, the latest iteration of Backtrack
  • Detect hidden wireless networks and discover their names
  • Explore advanced Wi-Fi hacking techniques including rogue access point hosting and probe sniffing
  • Develop your encryption...
Node Cookbook Second Edition
Node Cookbook Second Edition

Over 50 recipes to master the art of asynchronous serverside JavaScript using Node.js, with coverage of Express 4 and Socket.IO frameworks and the new Streams API

About This Book

  • Work with JSON, XML, web sockets to make the most of asynchronous programming
  • Extensive code samples covering...
Hudson 3 Essentials
Hudson 3 Essentials

Here is a book that makes life easier for Java developers or administrators by teaching you how to automate application testing using Hudson 3. Fast-paced and hands-on, the guide covers everything from installation to writing plugins.


  • A practical guide that will teach you how to deploy Hudson 3...
Learning Laravel 4 Application Development
Learning Laravel 4 Application Development

Develop real-world web applications in Laravel 4 using its refi ned and expressive syntax


  • Build real-world web applications using the Laravel 4 framework
  • Learn how to configure, optimize and deploy Laravel 4 applications
  • Packed with illustrations along with lots of...
Pentaho Data Integration Cookbook Second Edition
Pentaho Data Integration Cookbook Second Edition

The premier open source ETL tool is at your command with this recipe-packed cookbook. Learn to use data sources in Kettle, avoid pitfalls, and dig out the advanced features of Pentaho Data Integration the easy way.


  • Intergrate Kettle in integration with other components of the Pentaho Business...
PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide
PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide

The perfect introduction to PrimeFaces, this tutorial will take you step by step through all the great features, ranging from form-creation to sophisticated navigation systems. All you need are some basic JSF and jQuery skills.


  • Detailed explanation on how to use basic PrimeFaces UI components...
WordPress Web Application Development
WordPress Web Application Development

Developing WordPress-powered websites is one of the standout trends in the modern web development world. The flexibility and power of the built-in features offered by WordPress has made developers turn their attentions to the possibility of using it as a web development framework. This book will act as a comprehensive resource for building...

Rake Task Management Essentials
Rake Task Management Essentials

Deploy, test, and build software to solve real-world automation challenges using Rake


  • Solve real-world automation challenges with human readable code.
  • Build or deploy an application package quickly.
  • Easy-to-follow instructions to speed up tasks and manage them...
Learning Cython Programming
Learning Cython Programming

Developers who like C/C++ will love the added dynamism of Cython. This practical guide gives you everything you need to start programming with Cython and enhancing your existing applications. It could change your working life.


  • Extend C applications with pure Python code
  • Expand...
Ansible Configuration Management
Ansible Configuration Management

Configuring your Linux infrastructure using Ansible is made logical and highly accessible when you follow this step-by-step tutorial. Combining a clear overview with the deeper details, it gives a solid grounding to managing your systems.


  • Starts with the most simple usage of Ansible and builds on...
Instant Ubuntu
Instant Ubuntu

Your complete guide to making the switch to Ubuntu


  • Learn something new in an Instant! A short, fast, focused guide delivering immediate results
  • Focuses on making new users feel comfortable switching to Ubuntu
  • Discover the top applications and features
  • ...
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