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JQuery 2.0 Development Cookbook
JQuery 2.0 Development Cookbook

Over 80 recipes providing modern solutions to web development problems with realworld examples

About This Book

  • Create solutions for common problems using best practice techniques
  • Harness the power of jQuery to create better websites and web applications
  • Break away from...
WebGL Hotshot
WebGL Hotshot

Create interactive 3D content for web pages and mobile devices with this book and ebook


  • Simple, ready-to-use interactive 3D demonstrations and explanations for a variety of popular and innovative websites
  • Detailed overview of how to build 3D environments including features such as...
Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance
Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance

R is a statistical computing language that's ideal for answering quantitative finance questions. This book gives you both theory and practice, all in clear language with stacks of real-world examples. Ideal for R beginners or expert alike.


  • Use time series analysis to model and forecast house...
Getting Started with Twitter Flight
Getting Started with Twitter Flight

Build scalable, modular JavaScript applications with the Twitter Flight framework


  • Learn how to build scalable, maintainable, modular applications with Flight, Twitter’s cutting-edge JavaScript framework
  • Work through building a simple application from scratch with clear,...
Mastering Object-oriented Python
Mastering Object-oriented Python

For those who know the basics of object-oriented Python this book is a must-have. With 750 code samples and a relaxed tutorial approach, it’s the seamless route to more sophisticated programming.


  • Create applications with flexible logging, powerful configuration and command-line options,...
Practical Data Analysis
Practical Data Analysis

Transform, model, and visualize your data through hands-on projects, developed in open source tools


  • Explore how to analyze your data in various innovative ways and turn them into insight
  • Learn to use the D3.js visualization tool for exploratory data analysis
  • ...
Shopify Application Development
Shopify Application Development

Build highly effective Shopify apps using the powerful Ruby on Rails framework with this book and ebook


  • Publish apps in the Shopify App Store and work on Twitter Bootstrap
  • Get a jump-off point for additional programming and enhancements using the Ruby on Rails code
  • ...
Data Manipulation with R (Community Experience Distilled)
Data Manipulation with R (Community Experience Distilled)

Written for intermediate to advanced users of R, this tutorial will enhance your data manipulation capabilities considerably. It takes you step-by-step through the tools and techniques needed to enable analysis and visualization.


  • Perform factor manipulation and string processing
  • ...
Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python
Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python

If you know Python and would like to use it for Geospatial Analysis this book is exactly what you've been looking for. With an organized, user-friendly approach it covers all the bases to give you the necessary skills and know-how.


  • Construct applications for GIS development by exploiting...
Application Testing with Capybara
Application Testing with Capybara

One of my colleagues once described the Ruby community as "Test Infected" and if any library epitomizes this it's Capybara, which has gained popularity exponentially since it was first released. The Ruby community certainly owes its creator Jonas Nicklas a great deal of thanks for bringing peace and harmony to many test...

Learning Cloudera Impala
Learning Cloudera Impala

Perform interactive, real-time in-memory analytics on large amounts of data using the massive parallel processing engine Cloudera Impala


  • Step-by-step guidance to get you started with Impala on your Hadoop cluster
  • Manipulate your data rapidly by writing proper SQL statements
  • ...
Joomla! 3 Template Essentials
Joomla! 3 Template Essentials

Create modern, professional templates using the template framework for Joomla! 3.x


  • Improve the usability of Joomla! Template Manager by installing and enabling a downloaded template, changing the logo, and adding a slogan
  • Set up a workflow and development environment for Joomla!...
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