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Penetration Testing with Perl
Penetration Testing with Perl

Harness the power of Perl to perform professional penetration testing

About This Book

  • Write your own custom information security tools using Perl and object-oriented Perl modules
  • Apply powerful Perl Regular Expression syntax to finely tune intelligence gathering techniques
  • ...
Mastering Zabbix
Mastering Zabbix

Learn how to refine and organize your IT monitoring systems using your existing working knowledge of Zabbix. This step-by-step tutorial will help you unleash the full capabilities of the system.


  • Create the perfect monitoring configuration based on your specific needs
  • Extract...
Backbone.js Patterns and Best Practices
Backbone.js Patterns and Best Practices

Improve your Backbone.js skills with this step-by-step guide to patterns and best practice. It will help you reduce boilerplate in your code and provide plenty of open source plugin solutions to common problems along the way.


  • Offers solutions to common Backbone.js related problems that most...
Getting Started with Clickteam Fusion
Getting Started with Clickteam Fusion

Multimedia Fusion is an extremely powerful yet easy-to-use visual creation tool. With MMF2 s amazing event editor system, you are able to quickly generate games or apps without having to master a traditional programming language. Multimedia Fusion 2 is a game and application authoring tool that allows you to design and develop games for...

Scala for Java Developers
Scala for Java Developers

Build reactive, scalable applications and integrate Java code with the power of Scala


  • Learn the syntax interactively to smoothly transition to Scala by reusing your Java code
  • Leverage the full power of modern web programming by building scalable and reactive applications
  • ...
RavenDB 2.x beginner's guide
RavenDB 2.x beginner's guide

Build high performance NoSQL .NET-based applications quickly and efficiently


  • Build high performance NoSQL .NET based applications with step-by-step practical examples
  • Master advanced RavenDB indexes and queries
  • Create objects in .NET and map them to RavenDB
  • ...
Image Processing with ImageJ
Image Processing with ImageJ

Discover the incredible possibilities of ImageJ, from basic image processing to macro and plugin development


  • Learn how to process digital images using ImageJ and deal with a variety of formats and dimensions, including 4D images
  • Understand what histograms, region of interest, or...
OpenCV Computer Vision with Java
OpenCV Computer Vision with Java

Create multiplatform computer vision desktop and web applications using the combination of OpenCV and Java

About This Book

  • Set up Java API for OpenCV to create popular Swing-based Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
  • Process videos and images in real-time with closer to native...
Mastering Clojure Data Analysis
Mastering Clojure Data Analysis

Leverage the power and fl exibility of Clojure through this practical guide to data analysis

About This Book

  • Explore the concept of data analysis using established scientific methods combined with the powerful Clojure language
  • Master Naive Bayesian Classification, Benford's Law, and...
Getting Started with Backbone Marionette
Getting Started with Backbone Marionette

Build largescale JavaScript applications with Backbone Marionette quickly and efficiently

About This Book

  • Create scalable and highly interactive web applications using one of the best frameworks for Backbone.js
  • Learn about controllers, views, modules, events, commands, and regions
  • ...
Clojure for Machine Learning
Clojure for Machine Learning

In this compelling introduction to machine learning techniques and algorithms, you’ll learn how to use your knowledge of Clojure. From building systems to using machine learning techniques in cloud architecture, it’s the complete guide.


  • Covers a lot of machine learning techniques with...
Python for Finance
Python for Finance

If your interest is finance and trading, then using Python to build a financial calculator makes absolute sense. As does this book which is a hands-on guide covering everything from option theory to time series.


  • Estimate market risk, form various portfolios, and estimate their variance-covariance...
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