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Raspberry Pi Super Cluster
Raspberry Pi Super Cluster

As a Raspberry Pi enthusiast have you ever considered increasing their performance with parallel computing? Discover just how easy it can be with the right help - this guide takes you through the process from start to finish.


  • Learn about parallel computing by building your own system using...
Rails 4 Application Development: Hotshot
Rails 4 Application Development: Hotshot

Build simple to advanced applications in Rails 4 through 10 exciting projects


  • Build interesting application scenarios with Rails 4
  • Upgrade your knowledge for the latest changes in the Rails framework
  • Follow the project-based approach to building applications from...
Web Development with Jade
Web Development with Jade

Jade is a templating engine for Node.js. It is a new, simplified language that compiles into HTML and is extremely useful for web developers. Jade is designed primarily for server-side templating in Node.js, but it can also be used in a variety of other environments to produce XML-like documents, such as HTML and RSS. This book is an...

Moodle Course Design Best Practices
Moodle Course Design Best Practices

Learn the best practices to design and develop interactive and highly effective Moodle courses


  • Explore Moodle's course development features like themes, social media plugins and archiving content
  • Bring together instructional materials, social interaction, and student management...
Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch
Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

Apache Nutch helps you to create your own search engine and customize it according to your needs. You can integrate Apache Nutch very easily with your existing application and get the maximum benefit from it. It can be easily integrated with different components like Apache Hadoop, Eclipse, and MySQL.

"Web Crawling and Data...

Asynchronous Android
Asynchronous Android

As an Android developer you know you're in a competitive marketplace. This book can give you the edge by guiding you through the concurrency constructs and proper use of AsyncTask to create smooth user interfaces.


  • Learn how to use Android's high-level concurrency constructs to keep your...
Backbone.js Blueprints
Backbone.js Blueprints

Everything you need to know about building front end apps in Backbone.js is contained in this book. Packed with projects, code, and sound explanations, it’s the essential guide to this indispensable JavaScript library.


  • Gain insights into the inner working of Backbone to leverage it...
Getting Started with Laravel 4
Getting Started with Laravel 4

Ideal for web developers who want a crash course in Laravel, this tutorial covers all the fundamentals to help you build robust applications with less code. The approach is practical with masses of real-world examples.


  • Provides a concise introduction to all the concepts needed to get started with...
Magento Site Performance Optimization
Magento Site Performance Optimization

Leverage the power of Magento to speed up your website

About This Book

  • Improve the performance of Magento by more than 70%
  • Master Magento caching techniques
  • Using a step-by-step approach, learn how to optimize Magento site performance

Who This Book Is...

CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints
CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints

Develop full-featured dynamic web applications using the powerful CodeIgniter MVC framework

About This Book

  • Create your own dynamic web application using wireframes, databases, and language files
  • Develop unique applications to perform simple tasks, such as authorizing users, sharing...
Extending Symfony 2 Web Application Framework
Extending Symfony 2 Web Application Framework

Optimize, audit, and customize web applications with Symfony

About This Book

  • Extend the main elements of Symfony 2
  • Learn about the internal Symfony 2 framework
  • Customize developed web applications with Symfony 2

Who This Book Is For

If you...

D Cookbook
D Cookbook

For experienced programmers this book is a journey into D, the language that can dramatically improve your productivity and capabilities. Learning is engaging and straightforward, thanks to the ‘How to do it’/’How it works’ approach.


  • Leverage D to write efficient and...
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