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Parallel Programming with Python
Parallel Programming with Python

Develop efficient parallel systems using the robust Python environment

About This Book

  • Demonstrates the concepts of Python parallel programming
  • Boosts your Python computing capabilities
  • Contains easy-to-understand explanations and plenty of examples


Python High Performance Programming
Python High Performance Programming

If you have at least a basic knowledge of Python, this book will help you maximize the performance of your code and applications. Easy to follow tutorials will make you a hard act to follow in Python programming.


  • Identify the bottlenecks in your applications and solve them using the best...
AngularJS UI Development
AngularJS UI Development

Design, build, and test production-ready applications in AngularJS

About This Book

  • Design and customize applications with mobile users in mind using open source CSS3 frameworks
  • Use polished UI components written from scratch solely in AngularJS to build real-world applications with a...
Mastering Backbone.js
Mastering Backbone.js

Key Features

  • Level up your Backbone.js skills and create professional web applications with the best practices
  • Use the Backbone.js components in the right way and avoid maintenance nightmares
  • Improve your development workflow from application design to deployment
  • Apply the...
Machine Learning with Spark - Tackle Big Data with Powerful Spark Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine Learning with Spark - Tackle Big Data with Powerful Spark Machine Learning Algorithms

Key Features

  • Follow real-world examples to learn how to develop your own machine learning systems with Spark
  • A practical tutorial with real-world use cases allowing you to develop your own machine learning systems with Spark
  • Combine various techniques and models into an intelligent machine...
Magento Search Engine Optimization
Magento Search Engine Optimization

You've built a great online store and all you need now are customers. This is where this invaluable tutorial comes in. Specifically written for Magento users, it uncovers the deep secrets of successful Search Engine Optimization.


  • Optimize your store for search engines in other countries and...
PostgreSQL for Data Architects
PostgreSQL for Data Architects

Discover how to design, develop, and maintain your database application effectively with PostgreSQL

About This Book

  • Understand how to utilize the most frequently used PostgreSQL ecosystem-related tools and technologies
  • A hands-on guide focused primarily on providing a practical approach...
Learning Nagios 4
Learning Nagios 4

Learn how to set up Nagios 4 in order to monitor your systems efficiently About This Book Set up, configure, and manage Nagios 4 to secure and monitor your system Learn how to use libnagios and NERD to process and handle queries Packed with lots of tips, tricks and illustrations to explain the Nagios configuration and monitoring concepts in a...

Python Tools for Visual Studio
Python Tools for Visual Studio

Leverage the power of the Visual Studio IDE to develop better and more efficient Python projects


  • Learn how you can take advantage of IDE for debugging and testing Python applications
  • Enhance your efficiency in Django development with Visual Studio IntelliSense
  • ...
Redmine Plugin Extension and Development
Redmine Plugin Extension and Development

If you'd like to customize Redmine to meet your own precise project management needs, this is the ideal guide to understanding and realizing the full potential of plugins. Full of real-world examples and clear instructions.


  • Gain access to powerful and useful features by hooking into...
Cassandra Design Patterns
Cassandra Design Patterns

Understand and apply Cassandra design and usage patterns, and solve realworld business or technical problems

About This Book

  • Learn how to identify real world use cases that Cassandra solves easily, in order to use it effectively
  • Identify and apply usage and design patterns to solve...
Mastering Python Scientific Computing
Mastering Python Scientific Computing

A complete guide for Python programmers to master scientific computing using Python APIs and tools

About This Book

  • The basics of scientific computing to advanced concepts involving parallel and large scale computation are all covered.
  • Most of the Python APIs and tools used in scientific...
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