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Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example
Microsoft Visual C++ Windows Applications by Example
With this book you will learn how to create applications using MDI, complex file formats, text parsing and processing, graphics, and interactions. Every essential skill required to build Windows desktop-style applications is covered in the context of fully working examples.

The book begins with a quick primer on the C++ language, and
Software Testing with Visual Studio Team System 2008
Software Testing with Visual Studio Team System 2008

We all know that software testing is the most important part of the Software development life cycle and the quality of the end product is mostly dependent on how well we test our products. But, testing is neither an easy process nor remotely exciting for all the developers.

For testing your applications on the Microsoft platform,...

Ejb 3 Developer Guide
Ejb 3 Developer Guide
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) technology is a core part of the Java EE 5 specification. EJB is a framework for building enterprise-scale object-oriented, distributed, component-based business applications. EJB business applications are written in Java, are scalable and can be deployed on any platform that supports the EJB specification.

Drools JBoss Rules 5.0 Developer's Guide
Drools JBoss Rules 5.0 Developer's Guide
Business rules can help your business by providing a level of agility and flexibility. As a developer, you will be largely responsible for implementing these business rules effectively, but implementing them systematically can often be difficult due to their complexity. Drools, or JBoss Rules, makes the process of implementing these rules quicker...
Drupal 6 Themes: Create new themes for your Drupal 6 site with clean layout and powerful CSS styling
Drupal 6 Themes: Create new themes for your Drupal 6 site with clean layout and powerful CSS styling

Drupal is an award winning open source Content Management System (CMS). Based on PHP/MySQL, its power and flexibility combined with its exceptional design mean it is one of the most popular choices for creating a CMS website.

Drupal employs a specialized templating system and supports themes, which allow you to change the look and feel...

jBPM Developer Guide
jBPM Developer Guide
This book is a complete developer's guide to working with jBPM in a J2EE enterprise environment. It is packed with examples of implementations that will provide you with all the experience needed in real-life implementations. Extensive discussions about how the framework is implemented internally will contribute to creating a robust knowledge of...
Django 1.0 Template Development
Django 1.0 Template Development
Django is a high-level Python web application framework designed to support the rapid development of dynamic web sites, web applications, and web services. It includes a template system that allows programmers and designers to easily and efficiently output their content in a flexible, extendable, and maintainable manner.

This book is a
Papervision3D Essentials
Papervision3D Essentials
Papervision3D is a powerful real-time 3D engine for Flash. Papervision3D can take externally created 3D models and render them as Flash content, without requiring end-users to download or install an additional plug-in. It has an outstanding reputation within the Flash community and its ease of use has even impressed experienced 3D game developers....
Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g: Getting Started
Competing in today's world requires a greater emphasis on strategy, long-range planning, and decision making, and this is why businesses are building data warehouses. Data warehouses are becoming more and more common as businesses have realized the need to mine the information that is stored in electronic form. Data warehouses provide valuable...
Web 2.0 Solutions with Oracle WebCenter 11g
Web 2.0 Solutions with Oracle WebCenter 11g

Oracle WebCenter Suite is the industry's most comprehensive enterprise portal platform designed for business users, unified with business applications, Enterprise 2.0 services, and social communities. It incorporates Web 2.0 content, collaboration, and communication services. However, without proper guidance on developing...

Drupal 6 Performance Tips
Drupal 6 Performance Tips

Drupal is one of the most respected and widely used open source content management frameworks. Small, medium, and large-scale websites are built using Drupal and the framework supports ecommerce, CRM, multisite and web service integrations.

Once you get your Drupal site installed and up and running, you will be concerned with site...

SOA Governance
SOA Governance

SOA Governance is the key to a successful adoption of Service-Oriented Architecture. It is the process of establishing a desired outcome for your efforts, and then leveraging people, policies, and processes to make that outcome a reality. This includes technical policies and standards that guide your design-time activities, policies and...

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