 Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance EvaluationThis book provides practitioners with an overview of the principles & methods needed to build reliable biometric systems. It covers 3 main topics: key biometric technologies, testing & management issues, & the legal and system considerations of biometric systems for personal verification/identification. It focuses on the 4 most widely... |  |  |  |  Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (Advances in Pattern Recognition)Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of sensors in the non-visible bands. As a result, there is a need for existing computer vision methods and algorithms to be adapted for use with non-visible sensors, or for the development of completely new methods and systems. Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum is... |
 Information and Coding Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
As thi s Preface is being written, th e twent ieth century is coming to an end .
Historians may perhaps come to refer to it as the cent ury of information, jus t
as its predecessor is associated with the proce ss of indust rialisation. Successive
technological developments such as the telephone, radio, television , compute rs
and... |  |  |  |  Progress in Colorectal Surgery
In a previous publication, the authors attempted to cover not only topical
issues but also difficult problems that might confront recently appointed
trainees in the decisions they make that confront these individuals in their
future practices.
Since that time, much of the thrust of coloproctology and government... |
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