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Collision-Based Computing
Collision-Based Computing

Collision-Based Computing presents a unique overview of computation with mobile self-localized patterns in non-linear media, including computation in optical media, mathematical models of massively parallel computers, and molecular systems.

It covers such diverse subjects as conservative computation in billiard ball models...

Ontological Engineering: with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web. First Edition
Ontological Engineering: with examples from the areas of Knowledge Management, e-Commerce and the Semantic Web. First Edition
Ontologies provide a common vocabulary of an area and define - with different levels of formality - the meaning of the terms and the relationships between them. Ontologies may be reused and shared across applications and groups Concepts in the ontology are usually organized in taxonomies and relations between concepts, properties of concepts, and...
Maya Manual
Maya Manual
Alias|Wavefront's Maya 3D animation software is an integrated collection of tools for creating computer generated images, used in nearly every blockbuster special effects film that has been released in the last few years. The first choice for digital content creators, Maya combines animation, dynamics, modelling and rendering tools, enabling...
Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
Biometric Systems: Technology, Design and Performance Evaluation
This book provides practitioners with an overview of the principles & methods needed to build reliable biometric systems. It covers 3 main topics: key biometric technologies, testing & management issues, & the legal and system considerations of biometric systems for personal verification/identification. It focuses on the 4 most widely...
Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Process Systems (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)
Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Process Systems (Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing)
Almost all process systems are nonlinear in nature. Nonlinear control is traditionally an area of interest in process systems engineering which is of great practical importance. These facts notwithstanding, many process engineers have difficulty with the paradigms and results of modern nonlinear control theory because they lack the mathematical...
Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (Advances in Pattern Recognition)
Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum (Advances in Pattern Recognition)
Recently, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of sensors in the non-visible bands. As a result, there is a need for existing computer vision methods and algorithms to be adapted for use with non-visible sensors, or for the development of completely new methods and systems. Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum is...
Information and Coding Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
Information and Coding Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
As thi s Preface is being written, th e twent ieth century is coming to an end . Historians may perhaps come to refer to it as the cent ury of information, jus t as its predecessor is associated with the proce ss of indust rialisation. Successive technological developments such as the telephone, radio, television , compute rs and...
Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Data Mining in Bioinformatics (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
The aim of this book is to introduce the reader to some of the best techniques for data mining in bioinformatics in the hope that the reader will build on them to make new discoveries on his or her own. The book contains twelve chapters in four parts, namely, overview, sequence and structure alignment, biological...
Progress in Colorectal Surgery
Progress in Colorectal Surgery
In a previous publication, the authors attempted to cover not only topical issues but also difficult problems that might confront recently appointed trainees in the decisions they make that confront these individuals in their future practices.

Since that time, much of the thrust of coloproctology and government
Ballistic Trauma
Ballistic Trauma

Ballistic Trauma: A Practical Guide provides a concise guide to the clinical and operational issues surrounding the management of the ballistic casualty. The book crystallizes the knowledge and experience accrued by those dealing with ballistic trauma on a regular basis and extends this to those who have to manage these...

Fast Track to MDX
Fast Track to MDX
OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) is the most powerful business intelligence tool currently available and Microsoft's Analysis Manager makes OLAP cubes incredibly easy to build and deploy. However, the real power of OLAP lies in its ability to help you solve real-life business problems; to release that power you need to use the language that...
Essential XHTML fast
Essential XHTML fast

XHTML is a flexible XML-based markup language for designing Web sites. In January 2000, the W3C announced that it was supporting the development of XHTML as a replacement to HTML. HTML will continue to be around for a while, but if you want to develop Web sites for the future you need to switch to XHTML. Designers who make the change...

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