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Hughes Syndrome: Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Hughes Syndrome: Antiphospholipid Syndrome
The studies and discussions presented in the second edition of the Hughes Syndrome text had their beginning with a 1983 British Medical Journal publication entitled “Thrombosis, abortion, cerebral disease and the lupus anticoagulant.” In the mid-20th-century, it was recognized that some patients with systemic lupus...
The Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series)
The Amateur Astronomer (Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series)

This 2000 Edition of Sir Patrick Moore?s classic book has been completely revised in the light of changes in technology. Not only do these changes include commercially available astronomical telescopes and software, but also what we know and understand about the universe. There are many new photographs and illustrations. Writing in the...

Requirements Engineering
Requirements Engineering
Written for those who want to develop their knowledge of requirements engineering process, whether practitioners or students. Using the latest research and driven by practical experience from industry, this book gives useful hints to practitioners on how to write and structure requirements. - Explains the importance of Systems Engineering and the...
Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems
Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems
Object-oriented design methods are commonplace in computing systems development, but are often dismissed as 'boxes & arrows'. If systems developers are to gain full advantage from such methods, they should be able to achieve designs that are not merely the subject of heated argument, but can be improved by careful, rigorous &...
An R and S-Plus® Companion to Multivariate Analysis (Springer Texts in Statistics)
An R and S-Plus® Companion to Multivariate Analysis (Springer Texts in Statistics)

Applied statisticians often need to perform analyses of multivariate data; for these they will typically use one of the statistical software packages, S-Plus or R. This book sets out how to use these packages for these analyses in a concise and easy-to-use way, and will save users having to buy two books for the job. The author is...

Hebbian Learning and Negative Feedback Networks (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
Hebbian Learning and Negative Feedback Networks (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)
From the reviews of the first edition:

"This book is concerned with developing unsupervised learning procedures and building self organizing network modules that can capture regularities of the environment. the book provides a detailed introduction to Hebbian learning and negative feedback neural networks and is suitable for...

Concurrency Theory: Calculi an Automata for Modelling Untimed and Timed Concurrent Systems
Concurrency Theory: Calculi an Automata for Modelling Untimed and Timed Concurrent Systems
In the world we live in concurrency is the norm. For example, the human body
is a massively concurrent system, comprising a huge number of cells, all simultaneously
evolving and independently engaging in their individual biological
processing. In addition, in the biological world, truly sequential systems rarely
arise. However,
System-level Test and Validation of Hardware/Software Systems (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics)
System-level Test and Validation of Hardware/Software Systems (Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics)
New manufacturing technologies have made possible the integration of entire systems on a single chip. This new design paradigm, termed system-on-chip (SOC), together with its associated manufacturing problems, represents a real challenge for designers.

SOC is also reshaping approaches to test and validation activities. These are beginning to...

Urological Cancers
Urological Cancers
Urological cancer constitutes approximately 30% of all cancer occurring in the Third and Second Worlds. In the main, these diseases are caused by environmental factors, such as diet and smoking, and it is hoped that action to regulate the influence of these environmental pathogens will lead to a decreased incidence over the next two...
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse

This book provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on vaginal anatomy and physiology. It offers practical guidelines for office evaluation of incontinence and prolapse, and a series of detailed chapters on reconstructive procedures for urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence and prolapse. There are 120 illustrations to...

An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB
An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB

MATLAB is a powerful programme, which naturally lends itself to the rapid implementation of most numerical algorithms. This text, which uses MATLAB, gives a detailed overview of structured programming and numerical methods for the undergraduate student.

The book covers numerical methods for solving a wide range of problems, from...


This brand new edition describes in detail the tests involved in urodynamic investigation and shows in which clinical areas these tests can help the management of patients. The authors concentrate on common clinical problems and on the presentation of symptom complexes rather than diagnosis, pointing out any limitations and possible artefacts...

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