 Color Atlas of Infective Endocarditis
Infective endocarditis is a life-threatening diseasewith substantial
morbidity and mortality (20% or more) despite
improved techniques to aid diagnosis and modern antibiotics
and surgical therapies. It affects individuals with
underlying structural cardiac defects who develop bacteremia,
often as a result of dental,... |  |  Logic Programming with PrologThis book teaches the techniques of Logic Programming through the Prolog language. The name stands for Programming in Logic. Prolog has been used for a wide variety of applications, including as the basis for a standard ‘knowledge representation language’ for the Semantic Web – the next generation of internet technology; it is one... |  |  Agile Software Construction This book is about exploiting as many features of the agile movement as possible to enhance our software development processes. It is about selling you the concept o fagile software development. It is about how to make your projects agile. It is about what tools you should use to become agile.
This book is about not rejecting... |
 Artificial Life Models in SoftwareThis book presents software tools, environments and realities dealing with creation, imitation and analysis of artefactual, virtual, and living forms, written by those who personally design and produce software, hardware, and art installations in artificial life, simulated complex systems, and virtual worlds.
This timely volume offers a... |  |  |  |  Accessible Access 2003Our first book on Access was entitled Accessible Access 2000. Given that this one is all about Access 2003, we clearly had to change the title. As soon as you change the title of a book, you get a new ISBN and technically it’s a new book. However, since the original book seemed to be popular with its readers, we didn’t want to change a... |
 System Software Reliability (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)Computer software reliability has never been more important. Today, computers are employed in areas as diverse as air traffic control, nuclear reactors, aircraft, real-time military, industrial process control, security system control, biometric scan-systems, automotive, mechanical and safety control, and hospital patient monitoring systems. Many... |  |  Scalable Infrastructure for Distributed Sensor NetworksWireless sensor networks is a rapidly developing area. New applications are emerging and breakthroughs are being made in solving the underlying scientific problems.
The effectiveness of sensor networks depends largely on deployment strategies, self-organization capabilities, routing and information dissemination protocols, all of which... |  |  Welding Robots: Technology, System Issues and ApplicationFrom car manufacturing to the production of niche products, welding is now one of the most widespread and successful applications of industrial robotics.
Welding Robotics: Technology, System Issues and Application is a detailed overview of robotic welding at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The last few years-worth of... |
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