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Text Atlas of Podiatric Dermatology
Text Atlas of Podiatric Dermatology
For many years there has been a very positive link between podiatry and clinical dermatology, but unfortunately they largely remain apart in most medical cultures, both in training and in practice. Where they have begun to overlap in the clinical treatment of foot dermatological problems the benefits rapidly become obvious to those...
Artificial Intelligence in Second Language Learning: Raising Error Awareness
Artificial Intelligence in Second Language Learning: Raising Error Awareness
This volume argues that adults can learn English as a second language if their typical errors are corrected systematically and in line with their preferred style of learning. The remedy designed for this purpose relies on artificial intelligence. The book describes original research which demonstrates the success of this approach.

Digital Futures: Living in a dot.com World
Digital Futures: Living in a dot.com World
Beyond the hype about dot-coms, WAP phones and dot-com entrepreneurs, what impacts will e-commerce have on society? How will it affect jobs and local communities? What will it mean for energy use, transport and the future shape of our cities? How can we ensure that everyone enjoys the benefits of the new digital technologies?

How to Set Up Information Systems: A Non-Specialist's Guide to the Multiview Appproach
How to Set Up Information Systems: A Non-Specialist's Guide to the Multiview Appproach
A spectacular dialogue of the deaf has been on-going for many years. Information systems are as misunderstood today as they have been for a decade. The designers who make them, the managers who commission them and the stakeholders who use them consistently fail to communicate with each other resulting in the inevitable plethora of systems failures...
The Internet and E-commerce
The Internet and E-commerce
As we use the Web as a platform for more and more of our business activities, it is vital that companies and their legal advisers are aware of the legal implications and liabilities that they are exposed to. This special Report looks at the law of e-commerce and the common pitfalls that Internet businesses continue to fall into. Supported by...
Start Your Own Business 2010: How to Plan, Fund and Run a Successful Business
Start Your Own Business 2010: How to Plan, Fund and Run a Successful Business
If you have picked up this guide and are reading this page, the chances
are that you are thinking about starting your own business. And,
despite whichever direction the prevailing economic wind is blowing
in, you are not alone. Until the recession in 2008, more and more
people were...
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Russian Front (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces, No 6)
Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Russian Front (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces, No 6)

Of all the fronts fought on by the Jagdflieger during World War 2, the Russian, or Eastern, was easily the most lucrative in terms of targets for the experten. Marry an abundance of targets with the Luftwaffe’s best piston-engined fighter of the war – Focke-Wulf’s Fw 190 ‘Butcher Bird’ – and it quickly...

Structured Query Language (SQL): a Practical Introduction
Structured Query Language (SQL): a Practical Introduction
Let's start from basics. What is a database? In very general terms, a database is a collection of related data. Notice the word related, this implies that the collection of letters on this page do not by themselves constitute a database. But if we think of them as a collection of letters arranged to form words, then they can be conceptualised as...
Current Practice in Environmental Reporting: The Chemicals Industry
Current Practice in Environmental Reporting: The Chemicals Industry

Environmental reporting is still in its infancy, having emerged only in the latter part of the 1980s. Companies are under increasing pressure to be transparent and accountable in the whole spectrum of their business. In recent years, a number of companies have seen the need to introduce environmental reporting, placing environmental...

Frying: Improving quality (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
Frying: Improving quality (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
Pan-frying and deep-frying have been very popular and ancient methods of food preparations for more than 4000 years. Pre-fried and fried food products like potato crisps, fish fingers or French fries have become a main component of our diet. It is estimated that the total usage of frying fats and oils in restaurants,...
Handbook of Herbs and Spices (Woodhead publishing in food science and technology)
Handbook of Herbs and Spices (Woodhead publishing in food science and technology)

Some of the main spice-producing areas are listed in Appendix 2 at the end of this chapter. The current annual global trade in spices is 6–7 lakh tonnes valued at US$3–3.5 billion. The value of the spice trade is particularly dependent on pepper prices as pepper remains the main spice in international trade. The global spice trade...

Microscopy Techniques for Materials Science
Microscopy Techniques for Materials Science
At last the book is finished – and I have now been asked to put my mind to the Preface! It occurs to me that writing a Preface is a unique art form. Admittedly, after limited research into Preface-writing, I propose, like innumerable authors before me, to start with the usual whinge – yes, to paraphrase Mrs Beeton from the Preface of...
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