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B2B Integration: A Practical Guide to Collaborative E-Commerce
B2B Integration: A Practical Guide to Collaborative E-Commerce
...this guide reveals the key elements of successful B2B integration and collaborative e-commercie by highlighting business needs, technologies and development strategies

Comprehensive guide reveals the key elements of successful B2B integration and collaborative e-commerce, by highlighting business needs, technologies,
The Principles of Semiconductor Laser Diodes and Amplifiers: Analysis and Transmission Line Laser Modeling
The Principles of Semiconductor Laser Diodes and Amplifiers: Analysis and Transmission Line Laser Modeling

Optical communications technology is growing increasingly in importance, with a rapid pace of development. Innovative optical devices have emerged from the integration of semiconductor laser diodes, amplifiers and filters with optical waveguide technology. This well-researched volume traces the evolution of semiconductor laser amplifiers...

Space Science
Space Science

This invaluable book provides an introduction to space science. It brings together the various space science disciplines in one volume, and will benefit a wide audience, particularly students starting their graduate studies. The text presents a unique outlook, which will encourage students to think in broad terms across the whole range of...

A First Systems Book: Technology and Management (Second Edition)
A First Systems Book: Technology and Management (Second Edition)

To tackle the complex problems of life today, we need to coordinate a wide range of expertise. Systems concepts and methods offer the means of integrating the contributions of specialists, including managers, scientists and engineers. The book introduces simple yet sound concepts and a language understandable to all concerned. Its methods of...

Elimination Practice: Software Tools and Applications (With CD-Rom)
Elimination Practice: Software Tools and Applications (With CD-Rom)
This book is a tresure … will be welcomed by all who are active in the areaof elimination methods. -- Bruno Buchberger Professor of Computer Mathematics Johannes Kepler University, Austria

With a software library included, this book provides an elementary introduction to polynomial elimination in practice.
Diamonds Are Forever, Computers Are Not: Economic and Strategic Management in Computing Markets
Diamonds Are Forever, Computers Are Not: Economic and Strategic Management in Computing Markets
This is a collection of 43 essays about the economics and management of information technology markets. The first part of the book focuses on events, notable birth dates and longstanding trends. The unifying theme revolves around the role of human economic behavior in the face of...
Complexity Theory And The Management Of Networks: Proceedings Of The Workshop On Organisational Networks as Distributed Systems of Knowledge University of Lecce, Italy, 2001
Complexity Theory And The Management Of Networks: Proceedings Of The Workshop On Organisational Networks as Distributed Systems of Knowledge University of Lecce, Italy, 2001
This proceedings volume presents a multidisciplinary analysis of modern businesses as complex systems and some managerial implications of managing complex networks in the knowledge economy. It discusses the impact of major forces that are altering today's business landscape, such as sweeping technological changes, unbundling of integrated...
Shock Waves: Measuring The Dynamic Response Of Materials
Shock Waves: Measuring The Dynamic Response Of Materials
It is a great book to learn about materials behavior in shock waves and instrumentation used to obtain the data. -- IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

This book presents, in a concise and comprehensive manner, the essential techniques by which shock wave physicists probe the boundaries of material response to
Instabilities, Chaos And Turbulence: An Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems
Instabilities, Chaos And Turbulence: An Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems
"This book is an excellent addition to the literature on how dynamics may be used to understand and model more complex phenomena such as fluid flow, or pattern formation, written by a leading expert in the field who has contributed to a lot of the original results. It is an ideal choice for scientists, engineers or mathematicians who wish to...
Introduction To The Calculus Of Variations
Introduction To The Calculus Of Variations
"This book provides non-mathematics students with an easy way to grasp the basic idea of the calculus of variations, and its possible applications in their field of study. For mathematics students, the book leads them to the very directions which should be followed." Professor Ji-Huan He Donghua University, Shanghai, China "This...
Classical And Quantum Dissipative Systems
Classical And Quantum Dissipative Systems
This book discusses issues associated with the quantum mechanical formulation of dissipative systems. It begins with an introductory review of phenomenological damping forces, and the construction of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian for the damped motion. It is shown, in addition to these methods, that classical dissipative forces can also be derived...
Information Processing and Living Systems (Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology)
Information Processing and Living Systems (Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology)
Information processing and information flow occur in the course of an organism's development and throughout its lifespan. Organisms do not exist in isolation, but interact with each other constantly within a complex ecosystem. The relationships between organisms, such as those between prey or predator, host and parasite, and between mating...
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