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Building Your Team's Morale, Pride, And Spirit
Building Your Team's Morale, Pride, And Spirit
This book will help you determine your current level of readiness with respect to the characteristics and skills necessary for building morale, pride and spirit.

To build morale, pride, and spirit, a leader needs certain characteristics and skills. This book will help you determine your current level of readiness. It describes two key...

Cambridge Self Scoring IQ Test
Cambridge Self Scoring IQ Test
In recent years researchers have learned that the brain, which is devided into left and right hemispheres, has assigned different mental tasks to one side or the other. Highly intelligent people use both their left and right brain in equal balance. Most people, becase of social emphasis, schooling and parental training are left-brain dominant! Thay...
Common-Sense C: Advice and Warnings for C and C++ Programmers
Common-Sense C: Advice and Warnings for C and C++ Programmers
C is a powerful programming language, but not without risks. Without help, even experienced C programmers can find themselves in trouble, despite "careful" programming, lint filters and good debuggers. And managers of programming projects can discover too late that using C carelessly can lead to delayed and defect-ridden software. This...
Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes
Getting the Most Out of Vacuum Tubes
The purpose of this book is not to add another volume to the many excellent ones available on what makes the vacuum tube work. Rather, it is intended to shed light on the almost completely neglected subject of why these versatile devices sometimes do not work.

Informed scientists and engineers have frequently stated that the life of a
Java Programming Language Handbook: The Ultimate Source for Conquering the Java Programming Language
Java Programming Language Handbook: The Ultimate Source for Conquering the Java Programming Language
Includes complete reference material on the entire Java language, from data types to Java classes. Provides detailed overview chapters that explain the art of the Internet and distributed programming with Java. Features special tips to help C/C++ programmers master Java. Includes special coverage of interfacing Java with other languages. Gives you...
Internet Protocols Handbook: The Most Complete Reference for Developing Internet Applications
Internet Protocols Handbook: The Most Complete Reference for Developing Internet Applications
Covers over 30 protocols, including new and forthcoming ones. Describes packet and message formats for the most popular protocols. Is easily accessed and cross-referenced; you'll quickly find exactly what you're looking for. Contains a guide for those confusing error messages that stump you. Reveals the Internet standard process from initial...
Cutting-Edge Java Game Programming: Everything You Need to Create Interactive Internet Games with Java
Cutting-Edge Java Game Programming: Everything You Need to Create Interactive Internet Games with Java
Teaches you how to write incredible multiuser games for the Internet using the Java programming language. Lists the best Internet resources for game players and programmers. Includes arcade-style game creation tips: game loops, sprites, collision detection, and realistic movement. Details over 10,000 lines of highly optimized, reusable code....
The AS/400 Programmer's Handbook
The AS/400 Programmer's Handbook
This handy, desktop guide provides programming examples for nearly every AS/400 development task you face. No more rummaging around in old code to find and modify a technique you need for a new application. No more writing routines from scratch. This new guide and companion diskette puts dozens of prototypical techniques at your fingertips,...
Championship no-limit and pot-limit hold'em: On the road to the World Series of Poker
Championship no-limit and pot-limit hold'em: On the road to the World Series of Poker
T. J. Cloutier and Tom McEvoy have written a book that is very much needed by poker players. They may be giving too much away in Championship No-Limit Hold'em and Pot- Limit Ho Id'em ... but that's OK with me! In fact, I was very surprised when T. J. told me that he and Tom were writing this book because in the...
Skateboarding: Legendary Tricks 2
Skateboarding: Legendary Tricks 2
In Legendary Tricks 2, I write about some of the tricks that I didn’t cover in the first Legendary Tricks book. Though the stories and photos will help give you an understanding of these legendary tricks, I still didn’t cover all the tricks I wanted to write about.
Compiling more...
Maximum MIDI : Music Applications in C++
Maximum MIDI : Music Applications in C++
The seed for this book was planted in 1993. I found myself frustrated by the obstinate, poorly documented, and woefully inadequate MIDI functions available to me as a Windows programmer. So, I set out to write a set of routines that would allow me to write music applications without sweating the MIDI details.

This seemed like a
Server-Based Java Programming
Server-Based Java Programming
Demonstrates how to take full advantage of Java's power on servers by using current technologies such as Java Servlets, Java Web server, and JNDI.

In September1999, Sun Microsystems Inc. released the first draft of the Java2 Enterprise Edition
specification, and Java changed forever.

Since 1997, developers and vendors
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